Betrayal (Chapter 4)

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Laff was walking through the hallways of his house. He missed Socks, he had suddenly disappeared after the dragon attack.

"What would you rather want Laff? Socks in prison or Dead?" He asked himself. Yes he had planted the evidence but it was only meant that Socks would beg his friends to believe him, they would throw him in prison, Laff would break him out and save him, Laff would offer that they run and hide and fake Socks' death and then bam the rest of the group would separate and- Well Laff really hadn't thought that far ahead. Laff decided he would go to Socks' base and see if there was any sign of the spaceman around. Although he doubted he would find anything. It made him disappointed. He unlocked his door and shut it behind him after he left. He began walking towards the military base, since he was a neutralist he was welcome in both bases and his house was the same amount of distance from both of the areas. Laff sighed as he opened the gate to the large military base and slipped inside. Part of him hoped that Socks had run away or was dead and part of him wished that Socks would be here. Laff stepped inside and his gaze looked around the clearing, he watched as a person slid out one of the buildings. Cautiously sneaking around making sure that he wasn't caught Laff slid behind one of the buildings and watched as the person muttered to themselves and opened up one of the chests. Whispering about how he needed iron and other materials. Laff watched as the figure walked out into the sun, the sun lit up the person showing a bright orange spacesuit that was torn and had random holes in the fabric around his legs and arms. His hair was matted and full of tangles along with the fact that part of it was colored black from soot and ash. His gloves had lost the finger part so it revealed soot covered fingers that were crusted with blood and what looked to be obsidian dust. Socks still had one foot inside of the airplane hanger like he needed to take a step back at any second. The rest of his body was in a running position while he looked at the sky. Like the dragon that burned down the court house was gonna swoop in and catch him and rip him in half. Laff pulled out his gravity gun and whispered, "Socks I am not gonna lose you again."

"And that's a promise."

Tbh walked into the village with his sword strapped to his back, he stared at the Meme's house in the distance. He had only been gone for less then or maybe a week, he lost track of time. Nonetheless his friends already needed him. Tbh had quickly gone from the lovable, cheerful , understanding person he was, to a cold hearted thief. In all honesty he wouldn't have it any other way. He walked up to Memes house and knocked on the door. Meme opened the door and smiled when he saw Tbh.

"Been a bit huh friend?" Meme asked, "Come on inside." Meme made a gesture of come in to Tbh. Tbh stepped inside and looked at Meme.

"Its only been a week," Tbh muttered.

"Yeah I know but-" Meme started, "it felt a lot longer." He admitted. Tbh sighed and crossed his arms.

"What did you need from me anyways?" he asked. Meme explained everything with detail as best as he could. Explaining how Blaza and Joocie made an EMP that could possibly beat L4FF and bring back Laff. Tbh found this hard to believe at first until he walked in to see a large machine sitting on the table. "Oh so you weren't lying." Tbh chuckled awkwardly.

"Why would I lie about something like this?" Meme asked. Tbh shrugged he really didn't trust people that much anymore. Laff had lied to him, and he wasn't going to fall for anything again. Tbh looked away from Meme to see Blaza standing over the machine looking at it making sure it would work. Tbh noticed that there was another person standing next to Blaza.

"Joocie?" Tbh felt the word slip out of his mouth without realizing.

"Tbh?" Joocie looked up they locked eyes and Tbh's mind was running with possibilities. How was Joocie still alive? Was that even Joocie? Did L4FF do something to him? Where was he when we needed him most?

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