Author's Note

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Holy crap. Holy freaking crap. I can't believe I actually finished this. It's always been on my bucket list to write a book, like an actual one with more than just a chapter or two. I can't believe I actually did it though, it feels a bit like a pipe dream. And, yes, I understand that it's a crappy story with lots of unresolved plot points that no one's ever going to read, but the idea that it's even done is magnificent to me.

At some point, I'm definitely going to come back and edit this to help with the unresolved plot points and whatnot. Also, I sort of want to write a sequel because apparently I'm some weird kind of masochist who doesn't think three years of the same characters is quite enough time for them. I also want to do it just because I feel like the story's finished, but it's also not quite over yet. Like, there's a lot of unresolved things that I want to sort out, even if it's just a short little sequel.

Anyways, whether anyone actually ever reads this or not, I'm very proud of myself for finishing it and I wanted to write that out somewhere because this is literally me living out my childhood dream and I love that for me :)

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