Chapter Thirteen: Being Boring

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"Okay, but before she left she invited me to their Fourth of July thing this week."

"Wait, seriously? After all the shit they pulled?" Abbi seemed outraged.

"Yeah, but Aurora seems to be really making an effort here."

"To be fair, everyone but Harper seems to be making some kind of an effort" Lis pointed out.

"An apology in the girl's bathroom does not constitute an effort." Abbi argued.

"Yeah, but what Max does is beside the point. I mean... I think I have to go, right?"

"Yeah, if you still wanna do this revenge thing." Lis agreed.

"I do." I saw Harper's wide eyes as she held her empty smoothie cup, "Now more than ever."

"Of course, you do." Abbi agreed simply, "She's not giving up and we definitely can't. I just can't believe she had the balls to invite you."

I laughed, shaking my head. "Whatever. I just need to figure out what I'm wearing or whatever. I think Ror can give me a ride."

"Ror? Familiar enough for the nicknames, are we?" Abbi teased.

I shoved her shoulder. "Shut up!"

She shoved me back, "Bitch, don't push me."

"Fine." I paused for a second and then grabbed the pillow from her couch, smacking her with it.

She gasped. "You dumb ho."

Grabbing the pillow from my hands, she jumped to stand on the couch and smacked at me, but I ducked out of the way and she hit Lis instead.

Lis jumped up from the couch, "What'd I do?"

Abbi stopped, "Shit, I'm so sorry. Lis..." Lis reached out and shoved Abbi off the couch. She fell backwards over the armrest and landed on the ground with a thud.

"Oh mi gawd! Are you alright?" Lis was freaking out, but I was laughing so hard I couldn't freaking breathe.

Lis ran over to Abbi, "Oh mi gawd, you're crying. I'm so sorry!" She rolled Abbi over and saw that instead of crying, Abbi was laughing almost as hard as I was.

"You stupid bitch!" Lis smacked Abbi's back and arms, "I thought I hurt you!" But, after a second, even Lis was laughing with us, struggling for breath.

It was Sunday and the three of us were hanging out at Abbi's. I hadn't realized how much I missed hanging out with my girls. I didn't get to see them so much between work for all of us and rehearsal, but this was exactly what I needed before I headed into enemy territory this week.

"Girls!" Abbi's mom called down to us from the top of the stairs. "I'm heading out! Be back in a couple hours."

We all stopped laughing enough to shout our good-byes to Mrs. Devin and then fell to the ground in a heap.

"You guys wanna see what we can do for dinner?" Abbi volunteered.

"Yeah." I got to my feet and started climbing the stairs to her kitchen.

Abbi grabbed Lis's hand and pulled her to her feet before they followed me.


"I'll grab a pan."

"I'm putting in a movie."

"What're we watching?"

"I don't know. What do you want?"

"I don't care."

"Well, me neither."

I sighed as I put the pizza in the oven. I breathed a deep sigh, no matter how much fun Cortland thought his group was, nothing would ever compare to just being boring with my girls. 

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