chapter 1

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two years later

"Harry, I'm home", Louis called out as he threw his shoes on the ground and walked into the kitchen. He didn't get a response, so he opened the fridge, got himself a bottle of water and walked up the stairs to Harry's room. He knocked lightly and heard Harry quietly call "Come in."

Louis entered and smiled at the boy sitting in the middle of the room with dozens of music sheets around him.

"Have you been writing?", he asked.


"Can you show me?"

Harry lowered his eyes and avoided looking at Louis. "I'd rather not..."

"Hey, it's fine", Louis said and ignored his disappointment. "You don't have to."

Harry slowly nodded. "So... how was your day?"

"It was alright. Me and... me and Eleanor, we got some lunch and went to a bowling alley."

"Sounds like fun."

Harry scribbled something down on a piece of paper and didn't say anything else. Louis took that as a sign to leave and slowly closed the door, sighing heavily as he leaned his back against it.

Every day it was getting harder to pretend he wasn't head over heels for the curly boy with the dimples.

Louis made his way to his own room, sitting down with his guitar. He wondered if Harry knew all the songs he wrote were about him. Probably not. He probably didn't even love Louis anymore since he's had a "girlfriend" for the past two years. Louis never told Harry he was just pretending to date her. He knew he hurt him, but he also knew Harry wouldn't approve of what he did. How Louis gave himself up so that Harry could be free.

Half an hour later, Louis passed Harry's door on his way to get some snacks. He heard the faint sound of a piano and stopped, pressing his ear to the door, eager to hear Harry play music.

But it wasn't a song Louis knew. This was something new, something Harry wrote himself.

Louis' heart jumped when Harry quietly began to sing.

"I don't ever ask you where you've been

And I don't feel the need to

Know who you're with"

Louis moved even closer to the door, wanting nothing more than to listen to Harry's sweet voice.

"I can't even think straight but I can tell

You were just with her

And I'll still be a fool, I'm a fool for you"

His heart dropped. Was this a song about him, Louis? Was this how Harry felt? Did he still have feelings for Louis?

"Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart

Just a little bit of your heart is all I want"

As quiet as possible, Louis pushed the door open and saw Harry sitting in the same spot as before, with a keyboard on his lap. His back was facing Louis, but he could still hear every word that came from Harry's beautiful lips.

"I don't ever tell you how I really feel

'Cause I can't find the words to say what I mean"

Suddenly, Harry looked up and froze as he spotted Louis. His fingers came to a halt as he stared at him, his eyes wide and Louis' heart shattered into a million pieces as he saw the tears in Harry's eyes.

Just a little bit of your heart ⎢Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now