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“Answer the goddamn phone!” Yoongi impatiently tapped his sneaker on the ground, his phone against his ear with a crease on his forehead. For the past three days, he had been trying to call her nonstop. And for the past three days, she had been ignoring—well that’s what he’s insisting—his calls nonstop.

He was sure that he tried to call her over twenty times already but still ended up to a voice telling him to try again later, which he replied with a low grumble and a few curse words.

Up to now, it still baffled him how she practically had him chasing after her without her even knowing. He was hot on her heels and even though he hated to admit it, he knew that he was attracted to her.

Yoongi was not the type of guy to be chasing after girls but instead, they are the ones who chase after him. Especially girls like her. But here he was, brisk walking towards the studio that she and her friend shared, a small spark of hope igniting within him.

He couldn’t help but worry about the fact that the co-owner of the studio, which is her friend, told him that they would be separating ways. Serin would be opening her own studio in Daegu which was four hours away from Seoul.

Although they come from the same hometown, which explains the house that they both stayed at a couple weeks ago, it seemed too far for him. His life was here in Seoul and she is going to be starting hers in another place.

Yoongi chucked his phone back into the front pocket of his torn jeans, “Don’t want to pick up your phone?” He chuckled once the studio signage came to his view. “Then I’ll just have to talk to you face-to-face.”

He pushed open the door and quickly scanned his surroundings. Boxes were all over the place and some of the photographs and painting were taken down.

 “Oh, you’re back!” The same girl from three days ago approached him with a stack of boxes in her arms. “I’m guessing Serin already told you, huh?” She placed the boxes down and took a seat on a wooden stool behind the desk.

Yoongi raised his eyebrow at her with a confused expression, “Told me what?” He crossed his arms across his chest and bended down a little. “And can you tell me your name so I can address you properly.”

“I’m Minji,” She stretched her arm towards him with a smile on her face.  He shook her hand and nodded a little. “I’m Yoongi and can you—“ A gasp escaped her lips as she retrieved her hand back as if she had just touched something piping hot.

Her eyes were as wide as saucers as she stared at me. Suddenly, Yoongi felt conscious as he thought that there was something on his face. “I—Is there something wrong?” He asked then reached up to wipe his cheeks.

Minji immediately shook her head and gripped onto the ledge of the table. “You’re Yoongi!” Her lips broke into a wide smile as she tried to bite back a squirm. “Yes, I am Yoongi?” He confusingly pointed to himself and tried to focus on his purpose of beind here.

“I’ve heard a lot about you.” She wiggled her finger in front of him as she made a mental note of how hot he looked. “Remind me to tell Serin later that she has good taste.” She chuckled and then started packing up the paintbrushes from the table top.

Yoongi stayed silent for a while as he tried to process what was happening. She talks about me? He asked himself over five times in his mind.

He quickly shook his head and looked at their surroundings once again. “A-Anyway, where’s Serin and why are there so many boxes around this place so suddenly?”

Minji clucked her tongue and shook her head in disappointment. “Remember, I told you that she’s going to be moving away. If you’re here to talk to her, then you’re an hour late. She left an hour ago to her new studio and she probably won’t be back for a couple of weeks.”

“I suppose you haven’t talked to her, then?” Minji looked at him with pity. Yoongi, embarrassed, nodded and started walking backwards. “Um, if that’s the case, I’m sorry to disturb you.” He started for the door.

Right before he stepped out of the studio, he turned back to Minji and forced a small smile. “Can you tell her that I dropped by?” He didn’t even bother to wait for her to respond as he took off and marched down into the night.


He fell silent as he walked with his hands in the pockets of his trench coat. The cold breeze made the night even colder, causing small fogs to appear every time he breathed with his mouth.

Yoongi suddenly fell hopeless once it finally sunk into him that it was, well, game over. He knew that he could probably go to his hometown and look for her, but it would be too much of a burden just for some girl that he found sitting on the foot of his car.

He forced himself to think that, at least now, he didn’t have to worry about some girl. He could finally breathe freely and not worry about some seemingly unrequited love. Heck, he didn’t love her. “It’s just some stupid petty crushing.” He mumbled and kicked on the ground.

Once he collected his thoughts, he made his way down the path back to the café he worked at but, instead, made a left into the alleyway that he was dragged into a few days ago when he was walking with Serin. “Goddamn it, get out of my mind!” He hissed once he realised that he was thinking of her once again.

Who the hell are you talking to?” That all-too-familiar hoarse voice echoed in his ears. Yoongi straightened up and smirked. “None of your business.” He grumbled and walked towards the towering man. “Let’s get this over with.”

“What do you want Hyeonwoo?” He stuffed his hands in his pockets as he leaned against the brick wall of the building. Hyeonwoo chucked a plastic bag towards Yoongi and pointed at him. “This is a new project, kid.”

“You only have until tomorrow afternoon or you know the consequences.” Hyeonwoo chuckled and turned to leave. “Aren’t you at least going to tell me where I’m supposed to drop it off?” Yoongi stuffed the bag in his coat pocket and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Hyeonwook turned around with a sinister smile plastered onto his stern face. “Remember that old and broken factory by the train station?” Yoongi nodded and turned to walk away. “You’ll get your money tomorrow if you succeed.” Hyeonwook hollered. “But if you don’t, then maybe I’ll have to teach you another lesson!”


As usual, I did not proofread so I apologise for any errors :)

To be honest, I'm getting back my writing mood once again (yay)

so I guess I'll be updated on time for the next couple of updates!!

Again, I'd like to know what you guys think of the story

please comment stuff :c

I really want to know if it's okay or nah huhuhuh

anyway, see you next Friday! <3

Bam Pow


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