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Yoongi tugs his jacket closed as he rushed down the dark alleyway. It was four in the afternoon and within a few hours, the sun would be sinking. Ever since those incidents where men would wait for him outside of the café, he's set his mind upon going home before the sun sets.

Although he felt safer inside his home here in Daegu compared to being outside in the streets, it was only given to him as one of the benefits of his job and he always thought that they probably keep a spare key to his front door.

Checking the street, left and right, then crossed, he suddenly stopped in the middle of the road with his eyes wide and his mouth slightly agape, the warmth of his jacket suddenly felt like it disappeared.

His eyes squinted a little, blinking a few times to make sure he was seeing things. It felt like a bucket of iced water had just been dumped over him and his mind went blank.

It's like his feet had a mind of its own and he found himself rushing over to her, brisk walking across the street as he tried to suppress the smile that began growing upon his face.

He hesitated a little before reaching out and giving her shoulder a light tap and stepping back a little as he silently hoped and prayed to the heavens that she wouldn't walk away.

"Hey," He smiled along with a small wave.

Serin curled a few strands of hair behind her ear, "Hi,"

They were sitting in a restaurant, if it was even counted as a restaurant. All it had were chairs set up in front of a food van that served burgers and the sort witha small fence surrounding the perimeter.

"I told you I'd pay for our meal." Serin sighed as she reluctantly tucked her wallet back into her pocket. "I still haven't given you that thank-you-meal, you know?"

Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle at what she said but maybe he laughed because he wanted to hide the fact that he felt butterflies in his stomach when he realised that she still remembered after three months—maybe even more.

It was a ridiculous promise, he always thought to himself. She didn't really have to repay him for the little thing he did for her a few months back. But he couldn't help but hold on to that promise if it meant he would be able to spend time with her.

"Then let's do that another time. Right now, the food's on me." He smiled and shifted in his seat. "So, how have you been?" Yoongi tried to change the subject.

Serin continued to talk about how her new studio is like how she's started putting up new photos and paintings. "I think I'm planning on just making it a viewing studio. Not just some studio where you can shop for paintings like you're in a grocery store."

"It's been quiet at the studio and to be honest, I can't quite focus." She rubbed her temples as she popped a fry in her mouth. "But isn't that a good thing? Doesn't the silence help you focus more?"

A sad smile formed on her lips as she shook her head. "It makes me feel anxious." She confessed. It's been like this ever since she started sixth grade, always doing her school work with her earphones plugged into her ears.

"Since I've moved, I don't have Minji to keep me company. Jongin's in Japan for a month and so I'm all alone." Serin shrugged as she dipped her fries in gravy.

Yoongi nods, stops eating for a moment and watches her. "You dip your fries in gravy instead of ketchup?" He made a face and dipped his fry in ketchup.

"Yeah, it tastes better, you know." She rolls her eyes and pushes the gravy towards him. "Try it." She smiled and continued munching on her fries.

After they finished their meal, Yoongi insisted that he walks her home. "It's fine, really." He smiles and pushes his hands into his pockets.

The sun had already set and although he was worried of what might be waiting for him when he gets home, he wanted to spend just a bit more time with her.

"Thanks for walking with me." Serin ducks her head a little to hide to obvious blush that started crawling up to her cheeks. "No problem at all." Yoongi chuckles secretly finding it cute how she blushes at the simplest things.

He stood there at the bottom of the stairs that led to her apartment. With every step she took away from him, he was building up the courage to speak up and ask her the question that's been bothering him.

"Wait!" He rushed up the stairs and stood up next to her.

Her heart nearly skipped a beat when she heard his voice all of a sudden, catching her hand in the air as she was reaching out for the doorknob a while ago.

Serin turned around with her hands idle on her sides. All she wanted was into the building and close the door to keep her from turning around and speak to him. She wouldn't admit it but she knew there was a small part of her that was thankful that he spoke up.

"You haven't answered my question." Nervousness brewed in the pit of his stomach with every word that he said.

He could feel his palms start to get moist and he was fidgety in his place. "Before you left," Serin closed her eyes and let out a sigh as she already knew what he was going to ask.

"Did you ever have feelings for me?"

Even though it was the second time that he's asked this question, she still felt the million sparks that crawled through her whole body. "I think I've already answered that question, Min Yoongi."

Yoongi held onto her wrist and gently pulled her back, trying to push the frustration to the back of his head. "We both know that wasn't the answer you wanted to say."

"Then what do you want me to say, huh? I've already answered your question, okay?" She pulled away from his grip and pushed the door open even though her heart was beating like crazy in her chest.

"I want you to tell me that even just once I've made your heart race."

She stood frozen and it felt like her heart was beating so fast that it just gave up and stopped beating right there. Her cold hand was suddenly wrapped with warmth as she was pulled back, crushed against his chest.

Yoongi had his face nuzzled into the space where her neck met her shoulder, squeezing her gently as he tried to hold onto the last ounce of hope that he had left.

He was silently hoping that she couldn't hear his heart beating so loudly in his chest as they stood in silence for what felt like hours.

Serin couldn't take it anymore and she knew she might regret it in the end, but she took in a deep breath and closed her eyes as she secretly enjoyed his arms around her.

"That's the problem, Min Yoongi." She sighed as she finally let that smile out. "You make my heart race every time I see you."


Jongin's Serin's boyfriend?!?!

congrats to those who guessed it right! hahahaha

Do you dip your fries in ketchup or gravy like (Serin) I do?

As usual I did not proofread so apologies for any errors !

Hope you like the story so far hahah

tell me what you think!

Bam Pow



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