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It felt like nothing.

No post-pain, no happiness, no anger, just plain nothing.

It felt like the nameless, indescribable feeling you get when you stare up at the grey sky, clouds floating low on the Earth's surface at 5 in the afternoon.

It felt like a hole. A vacuum maybe, so still and empty that it makes you question yourself if you were still okay.

The numbness felt different, as if there was a different kind of numb but she felt numb. She didn't feel anything at all, and the silence of her apartment was starting to drive her mad that when she heard a knock on her door, she dashed across the room and pulled the door open.

"Serin," His hands were on his knees as he breathed heavily. His presence suddenly sent a jolt through her all of a sudden but left just as quickly as it came.

"I-I've been," breathe, "I've been looking all over for you." He managed to say. His heart was pounding against his chest from all the running and probably because of the lack of sleep.

And maybe because of her.

"I'm—Can I come in for a second?" He had a hand against his chest as he tried to keep himself from passing out from fatigue. "Of course." She pushed the door wider and stepped aside.

Because maybe, all this time, she just wanted someone to be with her even for just a while.

After a minute or two passes and he's finally calmed down, he spoke once again. "Where have you been? A-Are you okay?" His eyes was filled with worry and nervousness that it almost made her feel uncomfortable.

"I," She started but closed her mouth right away as the emotions came in like a flashflood and it was like she was choking on oxygen. It was like a bowl of a mixture of anger, sadness, pain and confusion and all other things that she tried so hard to push to the back of her mind.

She hasn't cried since she found out and she thought that she was okay, but when someone finally came and asked about her; asked about what she was feeling, everything just came crashing down.

And so, a stray tear trickled down her cheek as she intently stared into nothing. She stared at the spot just beside his head that he thought she was glaring at him.

"W-What—What's wrong?" Yoongi quickly knelt down in front of her, gripping onto her hands. "Tell me what's bothering you."

He reaches up, wiping the wetness with the pads of his thumbs, mumbling a few words that he hoped would make her feel better.

But the truth is that she didn't think that there was a way to make anything better as a whole.

"C-Can I see you some other time?"

Because it feels as if all these years of this numbness started to feel more like an aching throb that at the same time felt like it wasn't there at all.

It was fucking up her mind.

Without even saying another word, she led him to the door, mumbling a quiet "goodnight," and shut the door when he disappeared behind the elevator doors.

This place never seemed so still that it was like time stopped; like the world stopped rotating and everything just froze; except her.

Nothingness surrounded her and it sent a chill up her spine.

She was curled up at the foot of her bed, hair tangled and knotted at the ends, her knees bruised up from God knows what and her eyes barely open but she was far from drifting off to sleep.

Everything felt so still that if she moved a muscle, everything would crumble down into the void and it all just ends.

Her eyes began to water, stinging from not blinking for probably a whole minute, and the dark wasn't helping at all.

The sun, slowly sinking, the dim October sky with a soft greyish blanket of clouds accompanied her idleness.

And she wasn't sure when or how fast it happened but she was eventually swallowed by the calm and quiet darkness.


Okay, first of all, she did not die okay just clearing that up.

Sorry I haven't updated for weeks :c

I just finished my exams and i fucked up my physics and failed math by 2 points ugh

anyway, hope this chapter is to your liking

and if not

sorry.. I'll try harder!

Tell me what you think of this chapter! :)

Bam Pow


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