Joonas x Olli

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Joonas pov

It's 7PM. I'm feeling like I need cuddles so much right now from my boyfriend, Olli. We've been at the BC studio for the whole day working on a new song.

Right now I am playing my guitar on the sofa and Olli is sitting next to me looking at every movement I make with my fingers.

"Darling?" I hear Olli say and I stop playing and I look up at him. "Yes, love?" I ask with a soft, cute tone of voice. "Promise you will cuddle with me today all night?" Olli begs me. "What if I don't?" I say and Olli shows me a sad face.

"No, of course I will, my love" I tell him and Olli looks happy again. God I love that smile. It's the cutest thing ever in this world.

"We could call it a day now" Niko says and all of us leave one by one.

Me and Olli drive to our home and when we get in and we throw our jackets and shoes to a random corner in the room, I drag Olli to our sofa. I cuddle up with him with my hands around his neck from the side and he places his hands around my waist.

We cuddle for like... an hour or two. Or three, I don't know. Time is going so slow right now what I love.

Thx for reading ;D any requests? I mostly write Y/n shots but sometimes when I'm tired and bored I could write some shots with BC boys :)

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