Headcanons {Joel as your boyfriend} (NSFW)

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-Joel always checks that you are okay with anything he's doing and makes sure you are comfortable

-Whenever he's being rough, he never actually wants to hurt you

-And whenever if you get hurt, he gets really worried and checks that you are okay

-Joel loves his hair being tugged by you

-He also loves pulling your hair and hearing you moan (but he never wants to hurt you actually remember)

-He loves to hear you screaming his name and moaning loudly

-Also Joel moans a lot at your actions

-Joel thinks you are hot as hell and reminds you of that during sex

-No matter what position you're in, you guys enjoy sex

-Joel gets jealous easily whenever a man is sus around you (i meant sus like "that") lmao

-Joel is always horny around you when you're not wearing a lot of clothes or just you looking hot

-Joel loves teasing you, but he doesn't do it a lot because he is impatient


Soft Tommi version soon as requested :))

Blind Channel One-Shots & Headcanons|EnglishOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora