Headcanons {Joel as your boyfriend} (soft)

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-Joel is very protective and cares a lot about you, he wants you to always be safe

-He absolutely loves holding hands and cuddling you

-Even though Joel seems like a rockstar who  doesn't like cuddling, he really loves cuddles with you<3<3

-Joel loves getting forehead kisses from you because he thinks its cute as hell

-He also thinks you are cute<3

-and also me behind these words thinks that you are beautiful/handsome<3<3

-Sometimes Joel does weird but cute things, like staring at you and making awwwing sounds even when you don't hear it

-Joel loves to squeeze your cheeks together, he thinks you're cute like that

-Joel loves staring at you 24/7 but he always makes sure you are comfortable with him staring at your cute face<3


Hey yall!

You have maybe noticed, i've been on a smol break from writing, let me just remind yall I don't write every day, sometimes maybe not every week, I may take breaks so stay tuned for chapters because my motivation sometimes just says no :)

Have a good day!<3<3

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