Chapter 1

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The pounding of your heart in your ears, as well as your hooves on the plant infested forest floor, is almost all you can hear, as you try to outrun your pursuer, bare hoofed. Arms pumping, hands in fists trying to propel you faster, as your options dwindle. Hiding... not likely, you're dressed too brightly. Fighting, also not an option you know that, even if it was you, don't have any weapons. Letting yourself be captured, doesn't sound promising either. So, the final option is to keep running and try to make an escape plan better than the other options. You decide to keep your pace at a full sprint.

Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your arm, as an arrow slices through your shirt, cutting your right shoulder. SHIT! Exposed blood. They'll be able to track you now. The piglin hybrid may not have been the best choice to steal from. It seemed like they really want their phony crown back.

Dammit, that stings! Also, it's probably going to scar. You should never have taken the stupid headpiece, but it was irresistibly shiny, and gold as well. It checked all the boxes. As a bonus, it was sitting, on the head of a stuck-up rich prick, pretending to be a royal. So, all in all, it was practically perfect for your kleptomaniac desires.

You continue sprinting at full speed, enjoying the feel of the chase, the fear of being caught, with pints of adrenaline coursing through your veins. You feel more alive than you have in months, skillfully dodging through the thick dark wooded spruce trees, getting cuts and scratches from stray low-hanging branches and shrubs. All the while, hearing the thrilling footsteps of your pursuer, only feet behind you.

More and more light seeps down through the treetops. The trees start to thin, revealing a city ahead. You hear your pursuer sigh in frustration. They realized, that if they don't catch you, before you make it to the city, their precious crown will most likely be lost forever.  Adding on a burst of speed, you break through the tree line and straight into the cheap shady side of the kingdom's capital.

The clop of your hooves, on the city's clay street, reminds you of a horse. You hope you look as majestic as one, though you don't feel like it, at the moment. You, also hope it won't be too difficult to lose the "piglet", because even though you are having loads of fun, you are tiring fairly quickly. If this gets messy, the many dirt and plank houses will be easy to hide in. Blocks and blocks of buildings with alleyways in between them, it's hide'n'seek heaven.

Sprinting through one of the alleys, between dirt and wood houses, you hear the pursuing Piglet falling further and further behind. By making sporadic turns, and knocking things over to slow them down, but never turning to see your handy work, you hope that if you ever crossed paths again the Piglet wouldn't recognize you by your face.

After ten more minutes, of running down alleys and dodging obstacles, you can no longer hear your pursuer. Finally, you slip into the shadows to hide and regain your energy, sitting in the corner of a four-way alley crossing. Shrugging off the small knapsack that holds a change of clothes and some cold baked potatoes, you scarf down the food, not realizing how hungry the run made you. Savoring the flavor of the baked potatoes, you have always preferred them cold.

After you finish your small meal, you set your sack on the ground and grab the well-worn mud brown loose-fitting tunic, along with some calf-length used-to-be-white trousers, both containing a lot of stains, holes and patches. Next, you pull out a black bandana and matching black boots, and invert the knapsack.
You strip off the blue hoodie and t-shirt, replacing it with the brown tunic. You do the same with the trousers, then stuff all the clothes, along with the crown, into your inverted knapsack, so it now is a completely different color. After, tugging on the boots, which are specially designed to fit around your hooves to appear like you have human-looking feet, you tie the black bandana over your hair and start trotting home happy with how the morning went.

Upon making it to the main road, you smile and wave at other citizens. Following the curved brick road, you see in the distance the start of the wealthy side of the capital city. The buildings are tall, some two, or three stories, and made of stone, brick, and decorative wood and glass, with iron front doors to keep out all but who were meant to enter. At the passage between the two different sides of the city, rich and poor, there is an iron fence with a gate, and at the gate stands a guard. A guard in a red plaid shirt and blue jeans, wearing iron armor, with a diamond sword strapped to his side.

Walking up to the guard, you ask sweet and polite, "Excuse me kind sir, but I have an appointment with someone in the fortune lands. They are ill, I'm a healer", you lie convincingly.

"Who is your appointment for?" he questions.

"I got a message that a demon, by the name of Bad Boy Halo, was feeling ill. Master Halo has all the materials I need there. He just wants my expertise," you answer, just as convincingly, as your previous statement. In truth, Bad was fine, but he's your "neighbor". If the guard wants to escort you there, you could wait for him to leave, then enter your temporary, but hopefully soon to be new house.

"Bad's sick?! Tell him my apologies, for keeping him waiting, and wishes to get well soon from HBomb", the guard states, concerned about the demon, opening the gate and ushering you through.

"I will sir." you reply, and hurry off, before he can offer to escort you to Bad's house.

Starting to count houses, you try finding yours, as you trot along the clean red brick road, passing very few people along the way. Since it's still ridiculously early in the morning, the few people out don't care a devil's inch about you. In the peasant clothing, you are invisible, which at the moment you are grateful for. Prying eyes and questioning actions, you don't need. Right now, you need to get home.

When you find your house, you don't immediately enter. Instead, walking around the side, you climb the vines that lead to the second story of the brick structure. You press a secret button that opens the hidden door embedded in the glass that acts as your bedroom window. Pulling yourself through the tight space, you land on a soft red carpet that complements the dark wood interior.

Sliding off your knapsack, you secure it in a chest hidden in the corner of your closet, under a secret panel covered with the same red carpet. Peeling off your peasant clothes, you tuck them under the bed. After flopping on your bed, in underwear and a sports bra, you try to get a little sleep, before (F/N) or the baby wakes you up, but only manage for a bit before hell rains down.

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