Chapter 6

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When you wake up, you don't immediately remember what happened yesterday. Then you do and where you are. You bolt up and frantically look around. The sudden movement makes your head spin but you don't care.  Motherly panic fills you, along with adrenaline.

"Where's Tubbo!" you shout.

The cat-eared doctor walks out of her office at the sound of your shout, the one who magicked you to sleep and who probably took Tubbo away. Anger fills you and you lose control.  In an instant, you rush at the healer, and pin her against the wall by the throat.

"Where. Is. My. Son." every syllable filled with menace.

The doctor tries to squirm free. When that fails, she tries to touch some part of your skin, to put you back to sleep with another sleeping spell. Adjusting your position, and using your free hand, you pin both of her wrists, so she can't use any spells on you. Realizing she can't escape and that she couldn't stay conscious much longer, she gasps out, "In the nursery."

"Where's that?"

After she gives you directions to the nursery, you take her hand that is still quivering with the unused sleeping spell, and touch her hand to her face, knocking her out immediately. You then pick her up and place her on one of the infirmary beds furthest from the entry doors.

After all that is done, you slip through the dark oak double doors of the infirmary, and into a lavish hallway. Following the doctor's instructions, you turn left and swiftly trot down the stone brick and red-carpeted hallway. You make it to the third floor, but suddenly you run headfirst into Captain Punz

"Hey! Watch it. Lady (Y/N)? You're supposed to be in the infirm-", but before he can finish his sentence, you bolt past him, counting rooms to find the nursery. "L-lady (Y/N) stop!" You don't stop, you need to get to Tubbo.

There! 14th door from the stairs, the nursery even has decorations. Bursting through the door you see a boy with curly blond hair no older than the age of four, an older boy with brown curly hair, and what looked like an enderman hybrid. There is a nurse with a multi-colored hoodie and Prince Technoblade. The male nurse was holding Tubbo and that is all you can focus on. All that you could care about.

Everyone in the room freezes in shock when you enter, all of them caught off guard. Adrenaline and instincts still mostly guide your actions. You grab Tubbo out of the nurse's hands and then everything stops. Adrenaline finally runs out and panic quiets, now that your baby is safe in your arms.  You just stand there for a moment, looking into Tubbos eyes, then you fall on your knees clutching Tubbo, shaking with silent tears. "D-don't-e-ever scare me l-like that again, Not ever.", as Tubbo starts to cry too.

"Oh, of course." you hear the prince's voice say, and the dull sound of palm slapping forehead to go with it. "'Of course, what Sire?" an unfamiliar male voice responds.

Prince Technoblade ignores the question, then asks one of his own directed at you. "Lady (Y/N) what hybrid combination are you?" "Half piglin, Highness," you say to the ground, not looking at anyone.

A groan of understanding comes from your right, from who you assume is the nurse. "I'm so sorry, no wonder you were so anxious." he apologizes, then thinks of something and adds, "But, um... how did you find the nursery?"

"I-i wasn't thinking straight and I was worried for Tubbo," you answer, trying to dodge the question.

"I understand that, but how did you know where the nursery is?" the nurse asks again.

You sigh, then explain to them how you attacked the doctor and made her tell you where Tubbo was, then used her own sleeping magic to knock her out. You reassure them that she wasn't hurt. Then a young voice speaks up.

"Why's it matter that the bitch is half piglin?"

"Tommy bight your words, and it matters because piglin mothers are instinctively overprotective not letting their young out of their sight." Technoblade scolds.

"That's her baby? But he's a goat!"

Shit. you can't answer questions about Tubbo. You need to distract them with a question of your own. But the only one you could think of was about your father, so you asked.

"W-where's my father? He wasn't in the infirmary. I-is h-he?"

"Oh no, your father is fine. Well, not fine. He's in surgery with some quartz shards in his shoulder. But he's alive." the nurse says

My head snaps up and I look at the nurse more carefully. The nurse was wearing a hoodie like all the other guards but his was multi coolers with patches and a green spiral on the chest.

"What's your name, nurse?" I asked

"I'm a doctor in training actually, and my name is Karl, Karl jacobs. May I presume you're the lady who saved the King and tech-I mean Prince Technoblade, lady (Y/N)?"

I nod, then the foul tongue blond Price Technoblade called Tommy ran up and hugged me.

"Thank you for saving Dadaz and Pig Boi! I'm Pince Tommyinit but eveyone, well a lot of people just call me Tommy." he introduced himself, but he had a speech impediment so he didn't pronounce his R's properly.

The taller brunette boy laughed and ruffled Tommy's hair. "It's pRince, and eveRyone Tommy." he corrected the speech to me "I'm Prince Wilbur Soot, but call me Wilbur."

"I'm Ranboo. That's it."

the monochrome enderman hybrid said, then everyone looked at Prince Technoblade like we were in kindergarten. He rolled his eyes and said in a monotone voice said

"Prince Technoblade but call me Techno since we are forgoing titles." then looked at me

"Well, most of you already know who I am. I'm (Y/N) and this is my son Tubbo. Nice meeting you all." I smile.

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