Chapter 7

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You find yourself sitting on the carpeted floor, talking to the most powerful family in the land. Prince Tommy was the first to join you on the floor, sitting right next to you and staring intensely at Tubbo trying to figure him out. Next, is the little enderman hybrid, Ranboo, who sat on your other side, seeming very interested in Tubbo, as well.

"WHAT'S HIS NAME AGAIN?" Tommy shouts, and on instinct, you shush him.  "Shhh he's sleeping, his name is Tubbo... do you want to hold him?" you ask, and Tommy lights up like the sun.

"Um, lady Y/N,  I don't think that's a good idea," Nurse Karl says.

"No, it's a gate Idea! Pweees! can I?" Tommy whisper shouts.
You look at Karl, then back to Tommy. "You may, but you have to be really careful. Tubbo is fragile," you say in a kind tone.  Showing Tommy how to sit, to hold Tubbo properly. Tommy sat criss cross applesauce, and you lay Tubbo in his arms showing him how to hold him properly. One hand supporting his head and the other above Tubbo's rear cradling your baby boy.

Tommy looked so excited and enchanted holding Tubbo. Suddenly you felt a cold timid tap on your shoulder. Looking around you saw the timid touch came from the monochrome hybrid Ranboo. "C-can I hold him too?" Ranboo asked barely above a whisper.

You smile welcomingly at the boy and say "Yes you can, and also you don't need to be that quiet just not shouting." in your words he lit up like a light bulb filled with excitement then shifted into the same position Tommy was in.

While you were sitting there your affection for the two boys sitting next to you grew immensely. You looked up from talking to Ranboo and guiding Tommy to where you expected the two older princes and  Karl were. But they weren't where you last saw them, they were now huddled together on the other side of the room talking in hushed tones.

You wanted to ask what they were talking about but you held your tongue and focused back on Tommy. "Hay Tommy it's Ranboo's turn to hold him," you said in a soft voice but as soon as those words passed your lips the entire room froze, Ranboo stiffened and the males across the room quieted like they were preparing for another explosion.

Tommy starts to cling to Tubbo and angling his body slightly away from you. This kid hasn't been taught to share, has he? You thought to yourself and went into mom mode. "Tommy. Come on," you said softly but firmly.

"Mmph" Tommy replied The middle prince started to walk over

"Let go of him Tomm-" you cut him off with a hand up.

"Tommy, it's Ranboo's turn to hold Tubbo. He wants to hold him as well, imagine if you were him and he wouldn't let you hold Tubbo. How would that make you feel?" you asked, trying to convince him to share.

Tommy pauses then mutters something but you couldn't hear "pardon?" you asked and he said in a louder voice

"Not good" with a frown at the thought of not being able to hold Tubbo because Ranboo wouldn't share.

"Well that's what Ranboo feels right now, you can help him not feel like that if you give him a turn. Also if we see each other again you can hold him then. Ok?" you say trying to teach him about sharing and empathy all in one go.

It was quite amazing how you could see all the gears turning in his head. Tommy looked at Ranboo then at Tubbo and back to Ranboo before letting out a small sigh. Tommy then turned his body back towards you and held out his arms with Tubbo in them giggling.

"Thank you." you stated then added, "Do you want to sit next to Ranboo so you can still see him?" Tommy paused then nodded and scooted around you and next to Ranboo.

You started showing Ranboo how to hold Tubbo properly. It took less time with Ranboo though, as he was listening and watching your instructions you told to Tommy. Ranboo looked just as enchanted by Tubbo as Tommy was, maybe even more, Ranboo's missed matched eyes were focused on Tubbos face flicking back and forth reacting to each of Tubbo's movements.

You looked up from the two children back to the princes and Karl. they were staring at you in complete shock. You pale slightly thinking you did something wrong. Then you really pale as you look beyond the Princes and nurse to the winged figure standing in the doorway to the nursery.

"Y-your majesty" you nearly shouted as your nerves returned in full force. You bowed your head in a sign of respect as you were on the floor and weren't able to curtsy. Everyone heads either looked up or around to see the Monarch and several people spoke at once.

"Father" The two older princes exclaimed as well as Karl and Ranboo saying "your majesty", but the loudest came from Tommy.

"DADZA!!!" he nearly screamed in excitement, he stumbled to his feet and ran over to the king hugging his legs as they were the only part of him Tommy could reach. Then Tommy started talking a mile a minute.

"I'm so glad your ok that's Lady (y/n) and that's Tubbo, he's so small but Lady (y/n) let me hold him then it was Ranboo's turn to hold him but I didn't want to stop holding Tubbo and then Lady (y/n) told me I was making Ranboo feel not good by not letting him have a turn, so I let Ranboo hold him and it made me feel really happy now your here and I'm even more or happy!" Tommy finished out of breath, as his father listened patiently. After Tommy was finished he turned to his son's.

"How did Lady (Y/N) come to be here? She's supposed to be being treated in the infirmary?" With that everyone started talking.

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