Chapter 4

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Entering the grand room your eyes immediately land on King Philza.  He is a tall man with golden hair and pale skin, but his most recognizable feature are his crow wings, each one spanning 10 feet. Instead of a crown, he wears a green and white striped bucket hat, covered with emeralds on the green stripes and diamonds on the white in resplendence. Besides wearing no crown, he was in the full royal getup, an emerald green silk dress shirt trimmed in white lace at the edges, over which he wore a pine velvet dress robe.

Next, your eyes land on Prince Technoblade, slouch in his throne. Suddenly, you struggle to keep your jaw from dropping, as you look at the prince, never having seen another of your breed before. Sure, you've met piglins and hoglins, but never another piglin human hybrid.

He looked tall, but not much taller than you.  His long pink hair is draped over his shoulder, falling almost to his waist. Wearing a more traditional outfit than his father, Prince Technoblade, is dressed in a white linen dress shirt with gold buttons, thick black wool pants, brown leather calf-high boots, a red brocade sash around his waist, covering the junction of his shirt and pants, a long red cape with white fur trim heavy around the neck. His face is what distracts you the most though.  His pink-tinted skin goes well, with his bright white tusk poking out from above his under lip. His blood-red eyes are his most enchanting features, and when the light hit them right, they sparkled like rubies.

The king glares at Prince Technoblade, who immediately sits up straight and glances in your direction. You can't look away fast enough, and make direct eye contact with the prince. As your dad begins to talk, your gut fills with fear. You're too enchanted to look away, but are sure that if you don't something bad will happen. Eventually, after what felt like forever, but also seemed less than a second, he breaks your gaze. He didn't move for your arrest or punishment,  so that's a plus.

Your Dad continues talking, not even noticing what just happened. No one knows what just happened, you don't even know what just happened. After a minute, you decide to just give Tubbo some attention, as he hasn't had very much today. Combining your fingers through his hair and tickling the nubs of his tiny horns, Tubbo snuggles into your touch, while you glance around the throne room.

The dark red carpet has patterns of Gods and Phoenixes in gold-embroidered into it. The floors and stairs of polished quartz lead up to the seated king's counsel and nobles. Avoiding their faces, you look past them to the walls lined with quartz pillars, that are holding the roof up.  In between every two pillars are stained glass murals of different events in the country's history.  The ceiling is a combination of glowstone sea lanterns and redstone lamps, all covered in stained glass, which gives a dusky effect, even in the middle of the day. You like the room, and think that with the right accessories and touches the giant throne room could be quite homie.

Suddenly, Tubbo starts squirming, flailing, and crying. You try comforting him but nothing works. Everyone is staring at you now. With the eyes of the king, prince, and your father all on you, you start backing up, trying to get Tubbo to settle down. One step crying, two steps more crying, three, four, five steps, finally on your tenth step backward he calms down. You stop being confused. You take a step forward and he starts crying again; step back he stops. You step back once more and he starts giggling.

What is wrong with this kid, you think, then pale. He's only acted like this once before, and that was when explosives were around. You look around and pale even more. The only place for explosives to be is under the thrones.

In an instant, you unfasten the latch on the sling and set Tubbo on the floor. Not thinking twice you bolt to the thrones and grab the king and prince's wrists. With all your strength you drag them across the room, to where Tubbo is trying to sit up, to see the impending explosion. You are sweating from fear and exhaustion, as the prince and king protest, trying to break out of your grip. Out of breath, you can't explain to them what's happening.

Once you get to a safe distance, you turn, not letting go of the royals.  Eyes widening, you see your dad standing, looking confused at the foot of the stairs leading to the thrones. You try to yell,  "Dad! Explosives! Look-".


Your dad flys backward, hitting the opposite wall. Scooping up Tubbo you run to him. Time seemed to slow down, air feeling like molasses. Your arm is jerked behind you. You come to a stop. Whipping around, you find the prince with a vice-like grip on your wrist.

"Let. Go. Of. Me." you snarl, then wrench your arm out of his grasp. The force of which, makes you stumble backward. Cutting your hands on the shattered quartz, you stumble back up and run to your dad. "Dad. Dad. Noo."

My Beloved (Technoblade x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang