Chapter 17: Training!

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Callion took a flight through West City and really appreciated how different the buildings looked compared to the Earth he had originally come from. The buildings were much taller, but just the overall design of the city made his past world look boring in comparison.

As he flew around, he noticed a few children pointing up at him in wonder while their parents simply shook them off as if they were bothersome bugs that kept buzzing in their ears. They were probably just shocked to see a man actually flying in the sky.

Once he flew out of the city, he made his way towards Satan City but was stopped once he felt an energy signature coming in his direction.

"Piccolo." The teen thought as he turned around

"Callion, we have to talk." Piccolo said with his usual serious look on his face. The teen nodded his head in understanding, but had a worried look in his eyes as to what Piccolo was going to talk to him about. "I overheard your conversation with Goku a few weeks ago and something about what you said has been bothering me."

The teen looked down at the ground and recalled his conversation with Goku. "Are you referring to Cell?"

"Yes." Piccolo said, then closed his eyes with his arms crossed. "Why do you want to fight him so bad?"

Callion's eyes widened in shock, then his eyes softened. "It's because of Gohan."


"Yes." Callion said then he looked into the sky with a smile on his face. "When I was watching this, Gohan got a new transformation while fighting Cell in his perfect form." He explained. "I want to try to achieve that form even faster than Gohan can when that time comes."

There was a silence between the two aliens and the only thing that was heard was the fast blowing wind that pushed against their ears.

"Do you think we'll be ready?"

"Yes." Callion answered. "We only have two years to wait now, but I feel like I can really make a difference in the way things turn out."

"And if you can't?" Piccolo questioned while narrowing his eyes at the Saiyan in front of him.

Callion looked up into the sky. "Then I'm confident that you all will be able to stop both the androids and Cell." Piccolo smirked then turned around and flew off into the distance, but Callion stayed in that one spot for what felt like forever as thoughts began crossing his mind. What could he do to affect the timeline in a positive way? What if he just made things worse? What if Hazel interfered?

He didn't know what he'd do. Getting stronger and getting more clever would have to be something he needed to do, but he needed to train with someone. With a new boost of energy, Callion flew over to master Roshi's house, otherwise known as Kame house.

Once he arrived, he saw Krillin training by blasting a Kamehameha into the sea, but each time the blast was getting smaller and smaller. Meaning Krillin was beginning to run out of Ki.

Callion dropped down onto the beach and it seemed to scare Krillin a bit due to him not expecting any visitors. Guess Krillin wasn't focused on sensing the energies around him which made him incredibly vulnerable.

"Hey Cal, what's going on?"

"I see you're hard at training." Callion said while looking out at sea. "Anything you need help with?"

Krillin smiled then put a hand on the back of his bald head. "I could use a sparring partner at the moment."

"Great." Callion said as he stretched a little. "Let's not waste anymore time then, shall we?" He said, then charged at Krillin with a speed so incredible that the eyes of Krillin couldn't follow Callion's movement and before he knew it, he felt a powerful force connect to his chin and it sent him flying across the water.

"Hey!" Roshi said in anger. "You're getting sand all over my magazines!"

Callion continued to rush Krillin, but eventually Krillin began to get used to the speed of the battle and was now able to, somewhat, keep up with Callion as they sparred together.

"Destructo-disk!" Krillin yelled, then threw the yellow ki disk towards Callion, which he quickly dodged, then suddenly the disk shot right back at him as if it was following him. The Saiyan shot a ki blast into the water, causing the water to splash up, but Callion quickly flew into it in order to take cover in the water, but Krillin began relying on his senses in order to track Callion.

Unfortunately, Krillin still wasn't as good at using his ability to sense Ki and Callion quickly teleported behind Krillin and punched him into the water where another big splash of water came up.

"Come on Krillin." Callion said as he stared at the water beneath him. "You don't want to get left behind in power and skill by everyone else do you?"

Krillin came out of the water and started flying in the air. "Of course not!" He said, with a fire in his eyes that Callin hadn't seen in a long time.

"Then come at me with everything you've got!" Callion yelled, then powered up. His blue aura flaring up at the same magnitude as his yell. Krillin shot at him with multiple Ki blasts and Callion deflected them all, but Krillin closed in faster than ever and his fist connected with Callion's jaw and the force of his punch made a loud POW sound.

Not one to be outdone, Callion balled up his fist and punched Krillin in the gut and the wind literally came out of his back.

Once Krillin recovered from the magnificent blow that Callion delivered to his stomach, he winded his fists up and sent a barrage of punches at Callion, but Callion started doing the same.

Attacking and dodging went on for what seemed like hours until they both decided to finally give in.

Both fighters were out of breath, but both felt content in their training. They were both tired and now laying on the beach with smiles on their faces and small bruises on their bodies.

"You'll have to continue to work hard if it's your desire to keep up with the Saiyans of this world?"

Krillin looked down at the ground with a nervous smile on his face. "What am I like... you know... in your time?"

Callion looked up into the sky as if he was looking back into the past.

"You're the strongest human on this planet, that's for sure." He said as his eyes began to drift off across the sea. The waves were calm, just like the moment they were in currently and the only ripples came from the fish who would pop up to the surface every now and then. "But you lag behind all the Saiyans in this world which wasn't necessarily your fault."

"Not my fault?"

"No." Callion said as he started thinking about the author of Dragon Ball. "But I hope that things will change. Krillin, if you keep working hard and be more aggressive in your fighting, then you'll be able to go toe to toe with both Goku and I in any form we achieve."

Krillin looked down and gave that same nervous smile that Callion was used to seeing now more than ever.

"Good luck with the rest of your training Krillin. I'll see you around." Callion said as he waved goodbye and flew off into the distance.

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