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[Real name/identity: Unknown
[Designated name: Unit 737 "Platinum"
[Gender: Male
[Age: 14
[Height: 5.2
[Weight: 110 lbs
[Species: night fury droid
[Structure model type: night fury droid V1.0
[Unit type: test prototype
[Core type: neutral core
[Status: active
[Abilities: enhanced concentration in puzzle-solving, guiding through complex environments, and escaping hard testing chambers.
[Armaments: retractable integrated portal gun(right arm) and ion laser cannon(left arm), sword(doesn't use it too often), access hands/wrists, stability cuff, location beacon neck shackle(damaged).
[Other modes: portal mode, ion laser cannon mode, NRG mode.
[Special modes: NovaVoid mode.
[Origin location: US Gründer industries, purchased by Aperture Laboratories.

[Family: Unknown[Friends: Atlas and P-body, Jay[Brothers-in-law: Jay and Shadowblade[Backstory: not much is known about Platinum's former human life

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[Family: Unknown
[Friends: Atlas and P-body, Jay
[Brothers-in-law: Jay and Shadowblade
[Backstory: not much is known about Platinum's former human life. Only that he was known by subject #003 as part of a testing project at Aperture Laboratories, which consisted of temporary-consciousness transfer into a nfd's system via a headset. However, as disaster struck when Glados went on a killing spree across the underground facility, subject #003's headset experienced a fatal error that fried his brain while the computer program failed. With everyone running from the wave of neurotoxin gas, subject #003 was abandoned and left for dead. He was left alone, with nobody to come back after him. A long time had passed since the disaster struck the laboratories, and the nfd unit that subject #003 had connected to suddenly came to life. Subject #003's body was nowhere to be found, meaning that he was already gone. But, the only proof that subject #003 is alive is by the unit that his life has somehow now transferred into. The subject, upon awakening in this new body, began to head out and figure a way out of Aperture Laboratories. His memories, which were dull and fuzzy, still lingered in the new body that subject #003 was in. Later, he was on the run from Glados which had been reactivated by a live surviving subject named Chel. During that time, the nfd unit that was subject #003 began to learn how to navigate in and out of test chambers while keeping a low profile. Right after subject Chel left, the nfd unit instantly got caught by Glados. However, he was saved and brought out of the laboratory facility by unit 777 Jay. Upon realizing that the unit had almost no memory of his former human life, Jay decided to chose a new name for him. He named him "Platinum", which seemed to calm the nfd unit after such a long time of isolation and being hunted down in an abandoned testing facility. Nowadays he roams around the US Gründer Industries, still trying to cope with new people and nfd units.

[Personality: Platinum is extremely shy and skittish, bolting away from a person the moment he sees them or avoiding eye contact. He isn't very good at socializing perfectly or naturally since he's afraid to mess things up when he's unsure what to say or do next. It's not his fault that he's shy and wants to be left alone because of the trauma he suffered before. On some occasions, he has shown improvement in taking interests in other things. For example; reading books or reassembling connection boxes and compartments
[Likes: reading, listening to calm music, fixing connections and machinery, solving puzzles, being left in peace.
[Dislikes: loud noises, sudden movement, eye contact, being approached without warning on all sides, robots or people with bad intent.
[Other: has been noticed taking interest in superhero comic books.

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