Chapter 10

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Accidental: Chapter 10

"COME ON GUYS! LET'S GO!" Niall was screaming from the bleachers. Sine his leg was broken, he had no choice but to sit with Harry and I for the game.

It was my senior year, and this was the first game that I spent above the stands. It was weird seeing the students scream, rather just hearing them. It was also rather amusing to watch Niall get so into the game, something he could do.

"That was a shitty throw!" Niall threw his arms up exasperated. "Stan was wide open!" he groaned and put his face in his hands. It stabbed at my heart knowing that he couldn't play the game because of me.

"It's okay, Nialler." Harry said rubbing the smaller lad's back soothingly. "They'll figure it out. You'll play again in a couple of games."

I could barley concentrate on Niall and Harry; I was too busy looking at number 23.

At first, it was eerily like the day at the party, when he was wearing his jersey. Except this time, he was covered in sweat, and wearing tight pants.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't turned on.

But watching him play, made me realize how different we were. Here I was, the loser kid that nobody knew, and he was the kid that everyone was cheering for.

"PAYNE MAKES THE TOUCHDOWN!" The announcer cheered as I watched Liam run passed the white touchdown line, already celebrating his achievement. I couldn't help but stand up and cheer, screaming out Liam's name. Pride swelled in me, knowing that the person that I loved succeeded.

Person that I loved? Did I really love him? I watched as he jumped in celebration and take off his helmet, clearly excited beyond words. I could see him smiling from here, the smile that he gave me when he helped me while I was healing from the fight. The same smile that he gave me when we kissed for the second time at his house. The smile that he showed whenever he saw me.

Yes, the person that I loved.

Was it so bad that Liam was afraid of coming out? Was it so bad that I just had to support him and wait until he was ready? And now, Liam might not even like me after what I said. If fact, the lad might even hate me.

I ruined every chance I might have had with him.

The teams lined up for the field goal, but I wasn't paying attention to the game. I was watching number 23, knowing that I might never talk to him again... Touch him again... Kiss him again...

"It's good!" The announcer yelled, and I clapped mindlessly. Maybe I shouldn't have come to the game; the guilt was eating me alive.

Watching him play, really put me in my place. We were from two different worlds, and I didn't deserve someone like Liam. A part of me wanted to fight for him, but the other part told me not to, because he wasn't ready for coming out of the closet.

Suddenly, I was angry. I was angry at society, I was angry at the fact that two people couldn't love each other openly because of the way they were born. We can't change who we are! Who gives society the fucking right to judge who we are and who we end up loving.

The players lined up for the kickoff, Liam on the sidelines talking to the Coach about the next play. The ball went flying to the air, the other team catching it, and began running down the field. Niall, was shouting a number of profanities as our team tackled the player with tue ball near the 50.

"WHAT! C'MON GUYS WHAT ARE YOU DOING HE WENT RIGHT PAST YOU!" Niall screamed before cursing under his breath and sighing deeply.

I was trying to ignore everything around, clear my head, but it wasn't working. I needed something to occupy my hands. Maybe when I get back home, I'll sketch something. Maybe I'll doodle, paint, smoke, carve anything that will take my mind off of the boy playing-

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