Part 35: we tried the world; good god, it wasn't for us

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Alice puts a generous amount of makeup on her chin to cover her bruises. She doesn't want Bucky to have to keep looking at them and feeling guilty. It's the first time she's put on a full face of makeup in a few weeks. Once she manages to do a decent job covering the dark fingerprints on her chin and jaw, she puts her makeup back in her bag and begins to get dressed.

She wonders how Bucky's doing with Sam. She hopes that he's feeling lighter when he comes back. He deserves this kind of treatment; to know that people love him enough to stick their necks out for him despite not knowing him all that well. Bucky is hard to get to know, and Alice considers herself one of the lucky ones. He has a softness to him that she feels lucky to know.

She understands his reluctance to share things with others. Anyone would be secretive and distrusting if they were in his position. Alice just hopes that this whole process can get him to open up a little more. He seems to want to do it with her, but she can tell that he's holding back out of fear and anxiety - that the person he really is won't be accepted.

Her love for him will always be unconditional.

As she's putting on her leggings, she feels an ache in her knee - most likely from having been on her knees in the shower. She tries to avoid putting pressure on her bad knee when she dances at the club - or doing other, slightly more unsavory, activities. But sometimes she forgets. Especially when she's having way too much fun in the shower with a 6'5" super soldier. Her stomach flutters at the memory of him moaning above her. God, she loves him so much.

She also hasn't been wearing her knee brace. Alice doesn't like to look weak in front of Bucky. His inherent strength is aspirational, but she always tries to be his rock. Sometimes to her detriment. But she'll wear the brace today. No doubt, Bucky will ask her if she's alright. He'll massage her knee with large hands. She can already feel his skin against hers and smiles in anticipation at how he's going to take care of her.

Alice struggles with her knee brace, hissing in pain as she tries to slide it over her kneecap. It's particularly sensitive today, especially just above her knee cap. There's a knock at the door as she grunts and manages to do a half assed job of getting the brace on. She really should get a new one that has velcro straps, but she's stubborn and, as Sapphire puts it, "a cheap bitch" when it comes to buying things for herself.

Alice hobbles over to it and pulls it open. Bruce is standing in the hall.

"Hey, kiddo. I wanted to check on you."

"Hey! I'm –" she winces. Fucking knee. "I'm good."

Bruce smiles.

"That doesn't look like an 'I'm good' face." He tilts his head the same way her dad used to do when he saw that she was hurt or uncomfortable. "Is it your jaw? I brought you some more painkillers."

Bruce pulls two Advil out of his pocket and Alice chuckles, shaking her head. He really is too sweet to her, and just in general. She hasn't forgotten his kindness.

"I mean, that hurts too, but it's actually my knee that's really bothering me."

"Your knee? Did it happen last night?"

"No," she laughs. "It's an old injury. Sometimes it acts up."

"Can I see it?" He asks. "I have an MD."

Alice shrugs.


He leads her to the bed, which Bucky made before he left. He makes the bed every morning. He says it's leftover habits from the military. Alpine is sleeping on her chair. She opens one eye and promptly goes back to sleep.

Attachment Theory - Bucky BarnesxOCWhere stories live. Discover now