Avengers highschool au-Bucky Barnes

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It's Friday morning and I'm sitting in english waiting for my annoying twin brother Steve. I have liked Bucky for god knows how long and now he sits next to me in all my classes except english Steve knows but refuses to acknowledge it Steve nudges me "hey what was that for!" He smiled "your boooyfreind" he whispers extending his words being extra annoying "hi Buck" I look up and smile "hey y/n" Bucky smiles
-Bucky's POV-
I look at y/n I like him but could never act on it he has Tony speak of the devil "hey Barnes back off my boyfriend" steve must have told him he is going to pay for that "hey baby" Tony says in a sweet tone to y/n giving a snarky grin "don't call me that stark you know I like someone" he growls "who!? Spill!" I say to him knowing it wasnt me
-Y/N's POV-
Dammit what do I tell Buck, I survey the room looking for a guy "uhhh..." I say still looking around "um..." I start sweating "it's obviously me" I hear a random voice say thank god it's Nat "hahaha...no. It's me" my other best friend Bruce chimes in "haha guys..." Steve looks at me anxiously changing the subject "guys class is starting." says Steve 'thank you' I mouth to Steve 'you owe me' he mouths back the lesson starts Mr.Fury is about to submit the attendance when a blue flash comes by "Mr.Maximoff I see you've finally graced us with your presence." Mr.Fury says sarcastically "sorry I'm late sir" says Pietro. The english lesson starts and I'm daydreaming and not paying attention. When I get a note from Bucky saying meet me in the bathroom I raise my hand "yes Mr.Rogers number 2" Mr.Fury says I roll my eyes at the nickname "can I go to the bathroom?" I ask "Yes take the pass and you and Mr.Barnes better not be skipping" I walk out with Bucky behind me. We get to the bathroom "what's up buck?" I ask propping myself up onto the sink. "I kinda-" he pauses "what is it hun" I say "I like you..." he blurts out anxiously "I like you too" I say happily "wait really!?" He asks "yes of course since the eighth grade,and you?" I respond "fifth grade." Bucky says looking down happily. "Can I do something I have wanted forever" Bucky says "sur-" I say before Bucky cuts me off kissing me "wow. That was...wow" I say breathless "sorry doll" Bucky says "I got a little excited" I'm still out of breath "its ok buck" I say "will you go to the dance with me,Steve and Sam? They don't have dates so they are going together." I ramble "soo...are we. Dating?" Bucky asks "that's your call handsome" I respond eagerly "Then yeah we are" Bucky says snarkily it's the cute kind of snarky. "Okay Jamesy lets go to class" I say hopping off the sink "never call me that again" Bucky responds I link my fingers with him and we go back to English.

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