prologue: hot sh!t

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woman by doja cat

Kaida Chirashi maintained a deep hatred for herself from a young age.

Not to say she started out that way—as a child her family helped her feel invincible.

Her mother represented every definition of strength and divine femininity. She was a woman after all and women held the fabric of the world together despite their counterparts thinking otherwise. Kaida remembered her mother saying, "It's not enough to be as good as a man. You have to be better. You have more to prove." Followed by the hard truth that even if she stood above a man she'd be regarded as a hardass or a bitch because godsforbidd a woman have an ambition other than raising a family.

Her father—a loving and supporting man, helped her believe she was strong and gave her a blind optimism that everything would workout. He protected her from the harsh realities of the world, like she was a beautiful flower that would wrinkle if exposed to the poison in the air.

Years progressed and with more age, cynicism followed, molding her into the self-loathing girl of her teens. She built up so much rage in that time, seeing evil in the most gorgeous of views. Life just put her in a dark spot during those years unfortunately. She strayed away from everything she loved in those times, avoiding sanctuary in temple, meditation, and music, because she feared seeing the evils in things she held so dearly.

She grew less dramatic in her young adult years—though she could argue she just grew in general.

The pain of her childhood faded as gushing wounds tended to, leaving a scar in its place to always remember. She just wished she treated it better so it wasn't as gnarly looking.

She came to realize that self-love was all anyone really had in the world and so started her shift in though. If she faked it, eventually she'd believe that she loved herself and that's what she did to climb out of her dark spot. The delusion continued until she mastered such a blind confidence encompassed everyone else's thoughts as well.

Kaida Chirashi was hot shit.
She made sure of it.

The Village of Konoha wasn't particularly small but her name passed through with a high reputation, though her family name contributed more to that than her attitude. Like her mother she walked with her head held high but like her father she expressed a kindness that confused people.

Whether or not she hated herself still?

She tried not to ask that question.

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