four: meeting in the dark

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Strolling through, long legs kicked up dirt as they dragged lazily along the ground. Fingerless gloves brushed through silky silver strands of hair, easily allowing them to pass through the mane. A sigh escaped the lips of the Shinobi as he walked through the still lively steets of the village of Konaha. Darkness already took over the horizon and it was cleary too late to be out let alone be awake.

The man walked into the small shop, coming across a booth and pushing past the privacy beads.

"Ah, Kakashi. Glad you made it," A gruff voice addressed, offering the seat across from him.

Kakashi slid into the booth facing the older gentleman whose hat tipped over his eyes. After getting settled, he waved off the waitress, not wanting anything to eat at this ungodly hour.

Breaking his chopsticks in half, the old man dug into his yakisoba. Kakashi waited patiently as the older man just ate and ate, completely ignoring him.

He cleared his throat. Nothing. Then again. Nothing. Again. None.

"Lord Hokage!" He exclaimed loudly, catching the man's attention, "What's this about?" He tried to ask politely, wanting to get back into his bed as soon as possible.

"Oh, Kakashi, I have a mission for you," Hiruzen informed, staring at him throwing the brim of his hat, "An important one at that."

Naturally, Kakashi grew confused because he was already assigned a team he was supposed to be meeting in a few days so how would he have time for a mission? "Not questioning you, but couldn't this have waited until a decent hour?" He asked, yawning and scratching the back of his neck.

The Hokage laughed with his rich, joyful voice that filled any room with warmth before he spoke, "Well your assignment is returning home any minute now."

"My assignments a person?" He rose his eyebrows, wondering if the man grew senile in his old age.

"It seems that way, yes. She's a very special child, Kakashi. I want you to watch over her so I've assigned her to your team, as an assistant that is," Hiruzen gave him more detail, allowing him to glimpse into the situation he selected him for.

"Why does she need a babysitter?" Kakashi inquired, leaning back in the booth, trying to stay awake.

The Hokage set down his chopsticks with a sigh and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked the young man in the eyes with his wrinkly old ones as he disclosed, "As I said before, she's a special child. Her name is Kaida Chirashi."

He stared at Kakashi awaiting a surprised reactions.

"Who- who's Kaida Chirashi?" He asked, now confused on why he was supposed to know.

The old man's eyes widened because legends didn't carry around anymore like they did when he was a kid, "Kaida Chirashi. KAIDA CHIRASHI. You know. . . from the Chirashi clan?" He tried to think of what legend title would best represent her.

Kakashi thought for a little then shook his head, unable to come up with anything, "Repeating her name isn't going to help."

"The dragon slayer, my adoptive granddaughter," He listed other possible titles she went by and realized that he should've started there.

"Oh, why didn't you start with that?" Kakashi confirmed Hiruzen's thought process then allowed him to continue.

The Hokage sighed and took a big swig of the drink set by his neatly folded napkin. He tapped his fingers in boredom as he prepared for his next speech.

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