three: zabuza momochi

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"You should've just told pops about your situation. He would've been happy to help," Kaida criticized Tazuna as she learned of his unfortunate predicament.

"I wouldn't be too quick to think that. That's not how villages earn money," Kakashi input, dismissing Kaida's idea of the world running on generosity and kindness.

It proved her innocence and idealistic view of people as well as his own skepticism and cynical nature. As nice as a supportive world would be, nations have motivations other than the health and welfare of their own citizens let alone foreign ones. Kaida was too kind of a person and it skewed her perspective of others.

"Well, there's a financial aid syste—"

"No one donates to that," Kakashi shook his head, making Kaida snap.

"I do!"

The boat driver ended their dispute with a loud shush, knowing these Konoha ninjas could talk for hours. Kaida spoke with passion even if her points were supported while Kakashi had too much time on his hands. She wanted kindness to exist everywhere and not be chained down my monetary value. In her perfect world people would just exist and live peaceful lives. Kakashi saw the world for what it was.

"Shhhh," The boat rider hushed the girl attempting to share her clan's philanthropy, "You're as bad as the kid. Maybe worse."

"Hey, I'm as bad," She defended while crossing her arms.

After Tazuna more or less guilted the shinobi into guarding him, playing at Kaida's empathy, they reached the shore and continued the journey to his home. With a heavier guard though. In fact, it gave Kaida a bit more excitement though she was happy just to be there.

The pads of her thumb and index finger tapped against each other rhythmically, a sort of nervous habit she developed over the years. Completely ignoring her loud-mouthed students, she focused on her surroundings as they walked. Her ears directed over to a large tree a bit off from them. She noticed her counterpart staring at her and realized he sensed it too. He gave a wink, silently telling her to play it cool.

"Kaida-sensei, I'm hungry," Naruto whined, his stomach sounding an ungodly alarm.

Still concentrating, Kaida glanced over to the blond, trying to suppress her motherly instincts so she could focus on her normal instincts, "How is that my problem?"

Rubbing the back of his head, he shyly smiled, "It's just—I saw that you put away rice cakes before we left the village."

Staring long and hard at the kid, she mentally cursed herself, knowing damn well she should've put the food away sooner, "I don't know what you're talking about," She blinked before she lied through her teeth,

"What?! Come on, sensei!"

Her head snapped up suddenly, finally pinpointing the presence that gave her that queasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Get down!" The oldest girl yelled, sweeping out the legs of the two people closest to her.

A shiny, rectangular blade flew over the top of them, narrowly missing Kaida's glossy hair by mere millimeters. As she gazed at their new opponent, her hand reached for a summoning scroll to call for one of her companions if need be. While she might've been a strong competitor, she'd never have as much experience as these older shinobi so she needed all to her resources.

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