five: purgatory

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Complete darkness suffocated anything living down in the depths of the earth while the cold killed off the rest.

Loud screeching clawed at Kaida's ear drums as her eyes darted back and forth underneath her eyelids. Flashes of burning flesh and splattering blood blinded when she went open her eyes, to the point where she decided to just keep them shut. The high-pitched ringing in her ears ceased and replaced itself with the agonizing sound of bones cracking as they desperately tried to reform.

Despite the freezing water that helped her float in the abyss, somehow her forearms felt like they were engulfed in an Uchiha's flames. She tried to taste something to see if any of her senses weren't suppressed but the only flavors that met her tastebuds were salt and iron.

When she tried opening her eyes again, she only saw more flashes.

Bones stuck out of her body while she lay completely breathless.

She tried to pinch herself because that was better than the numbing pain stinging her flesh.

She tried to scream because that was better than hearing the taunting whispers and crackling of bones that clapped like thunder.

Nothing came out. When she tried to inhale, all she got was a mouthful of bitter water. Panic subsided in her small form as she frantically tried to open her eyes to see. . . well, anything. She couldn't figure out what direction she was facing because there was absolutely no light. There was no sun glistening in the water to hint at where she was supposed to swim.


Her body whirled around and a sharp pain stabbed her in her leg.

"Ah, how history repeats."

Kaida spun around again and her eyes finally landed on a figure illuminated by light. The fear weighing her down dropped because she could actually see anything other than the haunting darkness. Pulling herself to the figure, she gasped as her eyes adjusted to the being. In a panic, her arms flailed to her throat, pleading for more air.

"Stupid girl, you can breathe."

It took her several moments to trust his words and several more before she could finally regain the confidence to speak, "You're Kuzuryū," Her eyes went wide as she panted for oxygen.

"With some respect."

"Daimyōjin. Kuzuryū Daimyōjin. Forgive me."

"I suspect you know my story?" He questioned in his deep, condescending voice, while lowering one of his heads.

She gulped as she stared up at the black 9-headed dragon, losing all sense of confidence in front of the living nightmare. If there was one folklore that terrified her as a child, it was the legend of Kuzuryū—Shackled up, only to roam around the perimeter of the jagged rock formation. He sat all alone in the dark while he waited for any type of contact, maddening with every passing second. There was nothing scarier than the thought of utter isolation to Kaida.

"I'm not a human sacrifice," She spoke firmly, glazing over the chains holding him to the rock formation.

All of his heads up-roared in a thundering laughter, "I'm more afraid of you, Chirashi, skinning me alive."

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and then frustration, "How do I get out of here?"

"Why? Are you in a hurry?" He smirked slyly, tilting his head at the girl, "I could use the company."

MUSCLES 'N SCALES |K. HATAKEΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα