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 Anya turned to leave the Goddess's meadow, but stopped and looked back when she heard a loud splash from the waterfall.

 The Great Mother Goddess was already next to the pool at its base, staring with worried eyes into the water.

 Jaguar, it is growing worse. She is loosing her faith with every second that goes by, and her inner fire is almost gone.

 'Then send the girl. It will give her good experience.' The Jaguar sat next to Her, staring at the water with slightly narrowed eyes. 'Her friends worry for her, it is easy to see.'

 She has had such a hard life, though, and if we send Anya to help, it could become so much worse...

 The Jaguar huffed. 'It is also likely to inspire her again, Great Mother. The girl is here, and who better than her to send to that world? After all, they helped to create each other in the first place.'

 'Forgive me, Great Mother, Sir Jaguar, but... what is wrong?' Anya stepped a little closer, a frown creasing her forehead beneath her circlet.

 Come here, Anya, and tell me what you see in this pool. The Goddess beckoned to her, calling her over. You too, Princess. If Anya agrees to help, then you will be going as well.

 Anya and Princess stepped up to the pool and looked down into it, stepping back in shock at the sight before them. A woman in her thirties sat at a table, her hands in her lap, as a man across from her eats from a plate of food. Without warning, the man picks the plate up and throws it in her face, making her cry out in pain. Just as he stands and walks towards her menacingly, the image focused on a small black and white cat cowering in the corner. The man sees it and heads straight for it, but the woman throws herself in front of him, stopping him and giving the cat a chance to escape. It does so just as the pool cleared, but not in time to prevent them from seeing the first strike land across the woman's face.

 Anya clenched her hand around the hilt of her sword as she met the Goddess's worried gaze. 'Great Mother, what must we do?'

 Enter the waterfall. We shall do the rest. Anya, be careful in that world. It is different to this one. It is both more advanced and more primitive than this one. That woman is one of the remaining few who still maintains her connection to the Elements and to Me. The Goddess and Jaguar watched as Anya and Princess stepped into the centre of the waterfall, the fireball expanding around them. Help her, Anya, brinng her back to herself. She wants to escape him, but does not know how. You can help her see what he has done to her spirit.

 'Yes, Great Mother. We shall do our best to help her, in any way we can.' Anya bowed to her, and met her gaze when she straightened up.

 Good luck, Child. You will need it. Only you can make her a Weaver of Tales once more. There was a flash of light, and the two were gone.

Jaguar sighed sadly. 'Do you think they will succeed?'

 They have to. If they don't, then we shall lose another world to my brother, Jaguar.

 'Then let's hope that they're ready for a world filled with anger.'

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