First Shift (A.K.A 'It HURTS...!!!')

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 Anya watched from a tree branch, Jade and Princess curled up on her lap, as the wolf Pack and the other Shifters made their way to what they called a Fairie Ring, a place of great power in their world. Looking up, she smiled, and swirled a hand through the air, causing the clouds over head to part, revealing the full moon in all its glory, hanging low and heavy above them.

 Emma looked up at her, a nervous smile on her face, and Anya nodded to her. She knew how nervous her Twin Soul was, as she had talked to Anya in private earlier that day about it, to the point where Anya had finally decided to use her Silver to grab Emma by the feet and dangle her in mid air, making her shriek in surprise and bringing everyone running into the room.

 By then, however, Emma was laughing, having done the same to Anya, who simply grinned at her and dropped her straight into Darius's arms. He wrapped her in a blanket, smiling as she grinned up at him happily. 'What were you doing, Love, that she would have to use such drastic measures?'

 'I was just talking about what was coming tonight.'

 'No wonder, then. You'll be fine, Emma, I swear it. We'll all be there for you, and we will help you through it.'

 'I know. I'm just nervous, that's all.'

 She smiled happily as he kissed her forehead, rubbing her back through the blanket as he held her tight in his arms.

 Anya pulled her mind back to the present as Emma entered the Fairie Ring and stepped into the center. She watched as Emma lifted her face to the moon above, smiling as it lit her face.

 Suddenly, she gasped, clutching her stomach as her knees buckled. Her body rippled, and she cried out in pain as Anya shifted the cats from her lap and stood, her face filled with worry at the sight.

 'Darius... It... It HURTS...!!!' Emma screamed, but the scream turned into a howl as she changed into a pure white wolf with blue eyes. Eyes that had the same gold ring as she did in her human form. She stood there a moment, panting and then howled again as her body twisted once more. Animal after animal showed themselves, every one of them pure white with blue eyes and a gold ring, until, finally, she stopped shifting. Her final form was that of a snow leopard, one with pure white fur and silver grey rosette markings.

 The snow leopard slumped to the ground, panting, and shifted back into Emma's human form. She lay there, gasping for breath as Darius jumped into the Ring and knelt next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him and sat up, wrapping her arms around him tightly.

 'It's over, Love. You won't feel that pain ever again, I promise you...'

 'It hurt so much, Darius...'

 'I know. But that's it, now, I swear it.' Taking off his jacket, he wrapped it around her, drowning her in his scent. 'Your wolf is so beautiful, Emma. All your animals are.'

 She smiled up at him happily, wrapping her arms around him even tighter. Anya smiled as she jumped down from her branch, Princess following and leaving Jade behind, wide-eyed at what she had seen. Walking towards the Ring, Anya bowed to her.

 'Welcome back to this world, Emma. I think that from now on, you don't ever need to worry about what will happen to you. You have friends who will keep you safe, a Mate who will love and care for you, and a soul that shines brightly even in the middle of the darkest night. You have your faith back, and that is why I came here, to help you regain your faith in the world. It's time for us to return home, now, I think.'

 'I know, but... will you stay a little longer, Anya? Just until I can finalize my divorce. I want you here, for my wedding to Darius.' Emma smiled happily at Anya, who smiled back.

 'I think we can manage that. Don't you, Princess?'

 'Yes, I think we can, Anya!'

Six Months Later...

 Anya hugged Emma happily. 'Congratulations, Emma! I hope you and Darius will be happy together for a long time to come.'

 'Thank you, Anya! And I have a couple of surprises for you.' Emma's smile was happier than Anya had ever seen it. 'I'm pregnant, Anya, with triplets!'

 'Silver Lady above! How on earth did you keep that from me?!'

 'Well, that wasn't difficult, Anya. You've been blocking me at night for the last six months.'

 'Of course I have. I had no wish to see what you and Darius were getting up to together.'  Anya laughed happily at the blush that covered Emma's cheeks. The last six months had been wonderful for Anya, and she knew she would prize her memories of this time for the rest of her life. 'Congratulations again, Emma. I'm so happy for you both!' Anya hugged her again, smiling. She was truly happy for Emma, knowing that Emma had finally found her true place in this world.

 Emma pulled back from Anya a moment, and looked at Darius, who nodded and reached into the pocket of his tuxedo.

 'Emma and I wanted you and Princess to have something from your time here, Anya. Something more than just memories. So we had these made for you both.' He held out two boxes, and Anya accepted them, opening the top one to reveal a silver coloured locket inside. Shaped to look like a rose, it was about a medium size. Anya lifted the locket out of the box, staring at it in amazement. Slipping her thumb nail into the side, she popped it open to find a photo of Emma, Darius, Jade and Dimitri inside. A tear slipped down her cheek as she stared at it in awe.

 'Emma... Darius... I don't know what to say...'

 'You don't need to, Anya. You helped me escape from one of the worst situations a woman can be in, and you helped me find my way. Because of you, I've found the love of my life, discovered who I really am, and am now going to be a mother. Not only that, but I've taken up all my old interests again.'

 'You've started writing? Emma, that's brilliant!' Anya's eyes widened in surprise at Emma's announcement.

 'Yes. And it feels so right to be writing again, Anya, it really does.' Emma was so happy, and it was this more than anything else that told Anya it was time for her to leave. She smiled at Emma and hugged her.

 'Sisters forever?'

 'Forever and beyond, Anya!' Emma hugged her back, and then let go a moment later to answer someone's question. Anya met Darius's gaze, and he nodded. He knew what she was thinking.

 'Stay safe, Anya. Fight well, live well.'

 'I will, Darius. Keep her safe for me.'

 He nodded and she smiled at him. Going up to her room, she pulled out the clothes she had arrived in as Princess padded into the room behind her.

 'Is this it, then, Anya? Are we going back?'

 'Yes. It's time, Princess. Emma doesn't need our help anymore.'

 Princess stayed there a moment, then padded over to Anya and rubbed her face against Anya's. Anya wrapped her arms around her neck, hugging her tightly for a moment, and then let go to reach for the second box. She opened it to reveal another rose locket, this one hanging from a silver plate that hung from a thick chain. Princess moved closer so Anya could do it up around her neck.

 'It's beautiful, Anya. Is it from Emma and Darius?'

 'Yes. We both have one.'

 'That's brilliant, then. We both have something to remember them by now.'

 Anya nodded sadly. 'We should go, Princess. It's time we left.' She stood, taking her locket out of its box and doing the clasp up around her neck before tucking it inside her shirt. Leading the way outside, she stopped briefly on the edge of the party, smiling at the sight of Darius and Emma dancing together, then walked away into the trees, making her way to the Fairie Ring with Princess padding along next to her.

 They stopped at the edge of the Ring and looked at each other quietly before stepping into it together, and disappeared from Emma's world.

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