A Very Fast Fight (A.K.A 'I think I'm impressed...')

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Anya flicked her sword up and around her wrist, turning with it as she went through her loosening exercizes. Catching the hilt, she lunged forward, followed by a quick leap and twist backwards, bringing the sword down in a move over her head that would have cleaved an enemy in two if she had had one. Faster than the eye could follow, she whirled around again, moving so smoothly that her training with Lady Rachelle was visible in every movement.

 She came to a halt, her sword held diagonally across her front, in a kneeling crouch that she would use to defend herself in a fight. Tom, across the court from her, gaped in astonishment before looking at his wife.

 'Did I really challenge her...?'

 'You did. Honestly, love, what else did you expect from someone who's the Queen of the Elves?' Anna grinned at him as he smiled ruefully.

 'I am not my people's best fighter. Far from it, really. Lord Okril and Lady Dievra can disarm me within seconds of a bout starting.' Anya smiled. 'But they always let me fight longer, so that I will learn more from them.'

 'They sound amazing, Anya.'

 'They are, yes.' Anya moved up to the centre of the court, her gaze centred on Tom. 'Are you ready to begin?'

 'No, but I don't stand much of a chance anyway.' Tom chuckled, drawing his own broadsword and discarding his scabbard as he strode up to her.

 Anna raised a handkerchief up over her head. 'In three... two... one!' She dropped the handkerchief and jumped away as Anya and Tom leapt at each other. Tom charged straight forward, but Anya jumped right over his head, twisting in midair so that she would land facing the right way. Just as quickly, she had used the purchase she now had on the ground to run at Tom, swinging her sword as she did.

 Tom caught the blade of her sword on his hilt and pushed her away, only to find that he was unable to move her. His eyes widened, just as her boot landed in his stomach, sending him flying back.

 She rapidly followed, her blade flashing out to catch his arm with the tip, creating the smallest of cuts. She immediately pulled away, and Tom blinked at her in confusion before looking down at his arm and seeing the cut. His lips parted in shocked amazement as she smiled.

 'Admitting you didn't have a chance meant that I didn't have to work too hard, Tom. You were expecting to lose, and so you lost.'

 'You'd think I'd know better than to do that after all these years of fighting, but obviously no-' A howl split the air, and his head snapped around as it was quickly followed by more. 'Oh, hounds below.... ROGUES!!!! DARIUS, WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!!!!'

 He jumped away from the tennis court, half shifting so he could keep hold of his sword as he ran. 'ANNA, GET INSIDE THE HOUSE, NOW!!!'

 Anna didn't hesitate to grab Anya's wrist to try and take her to the house, but Anya pulled away. 'You go, Anna. I'll be fine.'

 'Anya, these are Rogues that are attacking, we must get into the basement right now!'

 'No. You go, Anna. Now!!!' Anya ran after Tom, and when Anna tried to follow, she threw up a shield of wind behind her, stopping Anna in her tracks. Reaching the treeline, she leapt up into the branches, using them as a pathway through the woods. Reaching a clearing, she came to a halt, and closed her eyes, feeling the winds around her scout the land. Finding the wolves of Darius's pack nearby, she used the earth to carry them to the clearing, even as she caused the ground of the clearing to ripple and buckle, forming a hill that the wolves would be able to use to gain the advantage over the attackers.

 One of the wolves growled up at her, but she let her eyes flash silver at him and he backed away, shocked, as Darius stepped out of the trees and surveyed Anya's work.

 'Well. This is your work, Anya?'

 'Of course. Where is Emma?'

 'In the basement, where she's safe.'

 Anya let out a sharp bark of laughter as Emma stepped out of the woods behind him, her eyes glowing gold. 'If you think that, Darius, then you really are clueless!' She jumped down from her tree, landing next to Emma lightly. 'Sister Soul, are you ready?'

 'As I'll ever be.' Emma grinned, and the glow increased slightly. 'Shall we dance, Anya?'

 'Yes, let's dance.' The two of them walked away, up to the top of the hill Anya had built. Darius jumped after them, trying to pull Emma back, but she dodged him and drew his sword from his scabbard just before landing a kick to his chest that sent him flying back.

 'This is my Pack, too, Darius. And I am all the stronger now that I have Anya's fighting knowledge.'

 'Emma, no! You can't do this!'

 'I'm not going to, Darius. Anya is. She has more experience than I do, so she is going to guide the both of us through this.' Emma turned away, her stance confident as she whirled her sword around her wrist just as Anya had just a few minutes before. Darius cursed and started barking out orders.

 'Spread out, take the high ground! If you can keep them from fighting the Rogues, then do so! And whatever you do, DO NOT HESITATE TO KILL!!!'

 Anya and Emma ignored him, knowing what he did not-that the Pack's wolves would not be able to reach the Rogues before them.

 The first of the Rogues came slinking through the trees, and came to a halt, growling when it saw the two women. Anya and Emma didn't move, just stayed where they were as the wind picked up around them, grabbing their hair and making it shift in the wind as they stared back at it silently. It was visibly unnerved by this behaviour, staying back among the trees.

 There was movement behind Anya and Emma as the Pack wolves parted for Princess, who padded through calmly and took up her place next to Anya, shifting into her battle form as she did, a growl low in her throat as she crouched ready to fight.

 Darius gaped wide-eyed at the sight.

 'I think... I think I'm impressed...'

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