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Anya sat on the grass with Princess, staring out across the vista before her. It had been several months since she had returned from Emma's world, and they still missed Emma witha poignance that affected everything they did.

 They were so absorbed in their thoughts that they never heard Dievra come up behind them.

 'Majesty? Might I ask something?'

 'Hmm...? Oh, Dievra. Of course you can. You know I'll answer truthfully.'

 'The necklaces you and Princess keep hidden. They aren't of this world, are they?'

 Anya blinked in surprise at her. 'How did you...?'

 'My eyes are sharp, Majesty.' Dievra smiled as she sat careefully next to Anya. 'The Silver Lady sent you to our Twin World, didn't she?'

 'She did, yes.' Anya turned her gaze back to the vista as she reached up and undid her chain, passing it to Dievra.

 Dievra opened the locket and looked inside, her eyes widening at the sight of Emma and Darius with their cats. 'This is your Twin Soul, isn't it?'

 'Yes. Emma, and her mate, Darius.' Anya smiled at the thought of them. 'Right before I came back, she told me that she was expecting triplets.'

 Dievra gave the locket back, and Anya did it up around her neck once more. 'Why were you needed there, Anya?'

 'She had lost her faith, Dievra, and needed help to regain it. She was going through some things, awful things, and she couldn't escape them on her own.' Anya sighed and tilted her head back. 'I had to help, Dievra.'

 Dievra smiled. 'From the sounds of it, she affected you as much as you did her. This is why you've been so calm since you returned from the Silver Isle, isn't it?'

 Anya nodded quietly. 'I will never forget my time there, Dievra. And I will never regret it, either.'

 'Good. The Silver Lady gave you a gift, one greater than anything else. Not many Twin Souls get to meet and help each other, after all. They are aware of each other's existence, but they never actually meet.'

 Anya thought about this for a moment and then smiled. 'I will always treasure my memories of Emma and her friends. We both will. But... When I spoke to the spirit of my ancestor, Dievra, she said that I was full of Gold. That's the magic of Emma's world, not ours.'

 'What likely happened, Anya, is that you absorbed some of Emma's Gold and she absorbed some of your Silver. You would have been so close to each other, that it really wouldn't be much of a surprise if that is what happened.'

 Anya smiled at the thought. 'So we have our lockets, our memories and Emma's Gold, all to remember her with. That makes me feel a lot better, Dievra. Thank you.'

 Dievra smiled and stood. 'When you are ready, I shall gladly listen to your tale, Anya. As a Weaver of Tales, your words will always be highly prized.' She left, leaving them on the cliff alone. Anya returned her gaze to the sky, thinking for a moment.

 'Why not make a cloud image, Anya?' Princess asked, tilting her head to the side slightly.

 'That's a great idea, Princess.' Anya stood, and called the winds to her. When she had finished, an image of Emma, Darius and her friends stood in the sky, floating high above their heads.

 Anya smiled at the sight.

 'I can't paint, Emma, but we will always be sisters, forever and beyond!'

Twin Souls, Twin WorldsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang