Shopping for clothes (A.K.A 'What's a sports bra...?')

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 Emma firmly led Anya into a clothes shop, managing a quick smile for the attendant, who raised an eyebrow.

'Can I help you, ma'am?'

 'Yes, I need to get some clothes for my sister. She's just moved here from New Zealand, and the airport managed to lose her luggage.'

 The attendant's eyes lit up as she smiled. 'Then you're in the right place! If you'll just come this way, and I'll show you our wide range of teenager's clothes.'

 Stepping out from behind her counter, the attendant led them across the shop to a section of clothes that immediately had Emma raising her eyebrows. 'Are you sure these are clothes...? I'm certain I remember wearing more when I was Anya's age...'

 'These are the party clothes, ma'am. The day-to-day clothes are just over here.' The accountant led them further in, and Emma relaxed when they reached a section full of jeans and other denim clothes.

 'Now, these will work just fine. Anya, what do you think of these jeans? You should be able to move around in them easily enough.'

 'They're a bit stiff, Emma. What if I have to defend myself? And how would I hid-mmmph!' Anya fell silent when Emma quickly covered her mouth and pulled her into a corner.

 'Anya, you've got to be more careful!'


 'I know, where you come from it's normal to have several daggers on you for defence, but here it's against the law! And girls don't fight here, either. I'm sorry I sound harsh, but you've got to try and blend into the crowd. Why do you think I made you leave your circlet at home this morning?'

 Anya blinked at her. 'Oh...'

 Emma sighed and ran a hand through her hair. 'Now, because I said that you're from New Zealand, the attendant will give us a bit of leeway anyway, but you still have to be careful. I'd rather not end up with the police on our case.'


 'The Cat Guards.'

 'Oh! I see. Um, she's looking at us a bit oddly...' Anya pointed to where the attendant was watching them curiously, and Emma smiled at her.

 'Sorry about that. Now, where were we...?'

 The attendant smiled at them and held up some clothes. 'I found some things that I think will fit your sister, ma'am. If you'll both come this way, I'll show you where the changing rooms are so she can try them on.'

 Emma examined the clothes critically. 'Won't these be a little tight...?'

 'Oh. Does your sister prefer looser clothing, ma'am?'

 'She does, yes. She takes part in a lot of sports, so needs plenty of movement in her clothes.'

 The attendant nodded. 'I see! Well, in that case, these will be a little tight. Might I also suggest some sports bras as well as normal ones? It sounds like she'll need them.'

 'That would be brilliant, yes. Oh, I don't know her size, so she'll need to be fitted.' Emma smiled back at the attendant.

 'That shouldn't be a problem ma'am. Have you been fitted for a bra before, Miss?' The attendant asked, smiling at her cheerfully. Anya blinked confused.

 'What's a bra...? Emma, isn't my breastband good enough...?'

 Emma groaned at the look on the attendant's face. 'Goddess... I should have seen that coming from miles away. I'm sorry, my mother raised her with a strip of cloth instead of a bra...'

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