Jen's Reaction (A.K.A 'Emma, there's a talking Snow Leopard in Your Kitchen!')

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  • Dedicado a Jenina Arias

 Jenina stared cautiously at the house in front of her. She could see two cats sat in the window, and recognized one as being Emma's Jade, but didn't know the other. Emma had called her about three that afternoon, asking for her help in getting some clothes suitable for a tall fourteen year old girl.

 When she had asked what the girl would prefer, Emma had simply said 'Anything loose enough to move in easily. I don't think she'll be too fussy. Just... no short skirts, ok? I think she would freak if she saw anything like that.' Her friend had refused to say anything more than that on the phone, but had promised to explain when she got there.

 The last time she had seen Emma was four years ago, when she had gotten married to that piece of trash Garin. Jen's eyes were sharper than Emma knew, and she had spotted the concealer covering her face around her right eye. She hadn't said anything, though, thinking that Emma wouldn't get married to the guy if he was beating her. Now, however, she knew better.

 With a sigh, she went to step up to the door and ring the bell, only to have it open before she could touch it. A girl stood there, her pale blue eyes piercing Jenina's with a force that she had never seen before. Jen gulped. This must be the girl Emma had needed clothes for. She could see why, now-she looked like she had literally stepped out of the story Emma had written eight years before. Managing a smile, she stepped towards the door.

 'Hi. I'm Jenina, Emma's friend. The one she called earlier?' The bag rustled, and she glanced down at it before lifting it into view. 'I brought the clothes she asked for. Is Emma in?'

 'Jen! Goddess, I'm glad to see you.' Emma appeared in the doorway, smiling. 'Come in already! Anya, she's a friend, and a good one.'

 The girl turned to look up at Emma. 'She feels like Iris.'

 'Really? That doesn't surprise me much. When I wrote that story, I thought I was basing Iris on her. But now, I don't know.' Emma smiled as she opened the door further so Jen could step inside.

 'Emma, what on earth is going on? Who is this girl? Why is she dressed like that?' Jen asked her, looking around in interest. Her gaze landed on the destroyed dining room table, and her jaw dropped open in shock. 'E-Emma...? What is all of this...?'

 'I can explain, but first I have to help Anya out of these clothes. I'll pay you back as well.' Emma gave her an apologetic smile. 'Jen? You were right. About Garin, I mean. I should have been more careful. He's gone, now. And I'm going to get a divorce, too.'

 Jen blinked at her. 'What brought this on, Emma? Where is he now?'

 'Gone. After Anya dealt with him and I passed out, she threw him out of the house. It's shielded now, so he can't get back in.' Emma accepted the bag of clothes from her and looked through them, smiling. 'These are perfect, Jen, although I don't know what we'll do for underclothes.' She handed them to Anya, who also looked into the bag. Reaching in, she pulled out the top Jen had selected and held it up.

 'Emma, what is this? Is it a breastband...?'

 'Ah, no, Anya. It's like a shirt.'

 'But it's so small. Will it fit?'

 'It should do. Do you want any help?'

 Anya shook her head. 'No, I should be fine. Where can I change?'

 'Change in my room, Anya. Just call if you need help, all right?'

 'I will.' Anya bowed to Jen, who gaped at her. 'Thank you for the clothes, Lady Jenina. I greatly appreciate your help in this matter. Before I go and change, however, I should introduce myself. I am Rose Anastasia Irthis, Queen of the Elves and Heir to the Ilonian throne.' She stood back up with a smile. 'Emma says I can trust you, and that is what I shall do.'

 Jen gaped at her, then reached out and grabbed Emma's wrist. 'Kitchen. Explain. NOW.'

 It was an hour later, and Jen was still in shock at everything Emma had told her. Anya had rejoined them after a while, now dressed in the trousers and top that Jen had bought. She still wore her circlet and the necklace she had had on her arrival, but had left her sword upstairs after Emma had told her that swords were generally not accepted any where in this world.

 Anya had questioned this, and Emma had explained it to her. The girl had nodded and gone back upstairs, returning without her weapon. Jen had watched as she sat down calmly at the kitchen island, her hands folded neatly in her lap. With Anya there, Emma had continued her tale, and had only just finished it.

 'T-that's absolute bull, Emma!!!!' She jumped up, sending her chair flying as she slammed her hands down on the counter in front of her. Anya was there instantly, restraining her with ease, as the two cats raced in to see what was happening. The next thing Jen knew, the silver tabby had changed into a snow leopard that was now crouched in front of her snarling.

 She gulped nervously, all the fight leaving her. Anya let go as she slid down to the floor, still staring at the cat in shock.



 'I take it back. You were telling the truth.' Jen announced. 'Exhibit A is rather insistant, after all.'

 Princess tilted her head, confused. 'What's an exhi-whatsit? Anya, do you know?'

 'You know I don't. You would have picked out the memory by now if I did.'

 'Emma. You have a talking snow leopard in your kitchen.'

 'I know. I couldn't believe it at first, either.' Emma knelt on the floor next to her, an apologetic smile on her face. 'After she picked Garin up like he was a baby, though, I kind of had to believe her. Just before you arrived, I came in here to find her trying to light a fire on the worktop. The flame was in her hand.'

 Jen blinked at her. 'Oh. Well, I think that... that would convince me, too. Emma, what the heck are you going to do?'

 'Honestly? I have no idea, Jen. She says that when her work here is done the Goddess will take her back to her own world. Other than that, she doesn't know herself.'

 'Great. So we might have to-waitaminute. Where is she?' Jen jumped to her feet, frantically looking around for the now-missing Anya. The back door hung open, and the two women raced out into the garden to find Anya sat next to a pond, her eyes closed as she meditated.

 'You were busy talking, so I thought it best to come out here for a while.' Anya opened her eyes with a serene smile. 'Although I don't know how anyone meditates in this world. There's so much noise!'

 Emma grinned. 'Some do meditate, yes, Anya. They do it by listening to soothing music that helps to shut out all other noise.' Sitting next to Anya, she used her hand as a cup for her chin. Jen blinked, surprised. With Anya dressed in the clothes of their world-despite her circlet and choker-the two of them could easily have been sisters, despite Emma's short hair. Even the way the two moved was similar, and Jen was forced to wonder why she hadn't noticed that earlier.

 She shrugged to herself. That wasn't important right now.

 'Emma, Anya's going to need some more clothes, not to mention the fact that she'll have to go to school while she's here. How are you going to cope with that?'

 Emma looked up at her. 'I'll talk to my boss. Tell him that something came up for my sister and that she's had to move in with me. Try and explain that she's only been home schooled and that Mum won't let her go to a school. I think he'll be all right with it.'

 'Work from home and school Anya on our world? I guess that could work. What do you think, Anya?' Jen looked around and huffed in annoyance. 'I swear, that girl has an uncanny ability to just disappear! How you're going to keep track of her I don't know.'

 'I'll manage, Jen. Although...' Emma grinned evilly, and Jen eyed her warily. She knew that grin all too well. 'I am most definitely looking forward to seeing Colter's face when I get to work with her tomorrow.'

 'That's right! You work at the same company, don't you?'

 'In the same office, funnily enough.' Emma locked her fingers together and stretched her arms over her head. 'It's going to be a very interesting day, that's for sure!'

Twin Souls, Twin WorldsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora