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Jian Yao is standing in the pantry making a cup of tea. She watches her well dressed colleagues through the clear glass panel.  Wang Wan Wei ’s suicide note is very obscure. The reason for her suicide.  The drug network.  Is it related to these people? 

 Bo Jinyan says no one must suspect or know about their operation. She politely greets everyone before going into Bo Jinyan’s office.  

   An uneventful morning.


    Customer 3 division is an elite team.  They are obviously better paid than her previous colleagues, as even the places they have lunch is more expensive.  They are sitting at a buffet house not far from the office.  Manager Lin did not join them.  Apparently she is rarely present at joint meals. Perhaps she wants to keep a distance from her subordinate.

    Bo Jinyan certainly will not come.

    The group sit down at a wooden table near the window. To Jian Yao’s left, it’s Pei Ze, to her right is Mai Chen. Shen Dan Wei is sitting across her.  She does not like to engage with others much.  Zhou Qin is a pleasant guy to chat with.  Qian Yu Wen is a bit stiff and serious, even in a social setting.

    " Shen Dan Wei will only show her nice side to the customers.  She gets a lot of complaints from other departments. " Pei Ze says to Jian Yao.

    Everyone laughs, even Shen Dan Wei.  She sees Pei Ze’s arm resting on Jian Yao’s backseat.  She smiles to Jian Yao: “Little Rabbit, beware of the big bad wolf.” 

    "Me?" Pei Ze stares at her, then turns to Jian Yao, “Just ignore that."

    Jian Yao reaches for her tea cup and raises it in front of her :” It’s my second day on the job.  Here’s to you guys.  Thank you for all your help.  To the future!”  Everyone raises their cups.

   After a bit of wine and dine, Pei Ze asks on behalf of everyone: “Jian Yao, what’s the background of Director Bo? You are working in his office. Have you found out anything about him yet?  Share with us.” 

    Jian Yao thinks for a while what she should share: "He seems to be related to the Chairman.”

    Everyone gets a little excited.  Mei Chen asks: “How do you know this ?”

    Jian Yao: "Yesterday I heard him calling the Chairman ‘sister’ over the phone.” 

    Pei Ze: "Must be a first cousin  because I have not heard about Chairman having a sibling.”

    Jian Yao: "I am not sure.”


   It was a fun meal, but Jian Yao notices that most of the time Mai Chen keeps very quiet. 

    A lot of good salesperson is outwardly attractive.  This theory proves true in this division.  Pe Ze is a rich playboy type. Mai Chen also looks good. He makes Jian Yao feel comfortable - like 

‘the boy next door’. 

    Jian Yao gets a phone call from Bo Jinyan.  She gets up immediately to say goodbye to the rest and hurries to meet him.  Pei Ze stands up with her: "I'm done too.  Let’s walk together."

    Jian Yao is walking quite quickly, Pei Ze laughs whilst following behind: “ Slow down.  Are you so afraid of him?” 

    Jian Yao smiles.  She can see Bo Jinyan’s BMW parked outside the building.  It’s part of his remuneration  package as Director for Customer 3 Division. 

When He Comes, Close Your Eyes [Ding Mo]Where stories live. Discover now