Restaurant time

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"Oi Jinko we're going to a restaurant in an hour try not to look like.., that" Akutagawa said analysing Atsushi as he did so. "Shut up also I suggest you go have shower so your hair doesn't look like Mori's" the younger one barked back coming out of the bathroom back to his suit case to pick something out.

Atsushi's comment earned a very threatening glare from the other as he got his shower things and headed to the bathroom slamming the door. "Jeez what's his problem" Atsushi thought aloud while he chose a grey suit with a black shirt, grey tie and trousers paired with a black belt. "It needs something more but what? Oh got it" he said reaching for the silver belt chain. "Perfect"

About 20 minutes and passed and Atsushi had finished his eyeliner (he wanted to make his eyes look nice) but realised he left the concealer in the bathroom. "I heard the shower turn off 2 minutes ago so it should be fine to go in" he though making his way towards the door. Atsushi opened it to see Akutagawa standing in front of the steam covered mirror with a towel around his waist as he was drying his hair.

⚠️TW mentions of fresh cuts and old scars I'll put caution things were it ends of your uncomfy with that⚠️

Atsushi was expecting to see a very pale Akutagawa but what he saw was drastically different. His arms were covered in many scars but there were a few fresh ones which still were red and you could tell they'd be bleeding. It was the same for his gut and chest. Akutagawa didn't care Atsushi was there at first then he remembered the cuts he had. "GET OUT" he screamed as Atsushi replied a short sorry and shut the door. ⚠️

Akutagawa's POV

"Shit what am I going to do I wonder if he saw what if he asks about it, I'll just say there from my cat and missions he's dumb he'll believe me right" a million thoughts went through his mind. "It's fine I'll just get dressed." He sighed getting up and putting on his black suit also topped off by a bit of eyeliner. After finally working up the courage he walked out the bathroom to grab his shoes and noticed Atsushi all ready sitting in the bed.

No one's POV

⚠️There was silence as Akutagawa out he's shoes on before Atsushi finally spoke. "What we're all those cuts on your arm?" He asked thinking he already knew the answer. "Majority cat some from missions" he replied emotionless. He'd been through this before with his sister (excluding the cat part since they lived together) and some others from the pm so it was like a script he'd memorised word for word, after all, no one could ever find out so he had to play his part perfectly. ⚠️

"Oh okay if you say so" Atsushi said before Dazai came in wearing a white suit with a black undershirt and Chuuya with a deep red suit also with a black under shirt. "You guys ready" Dazai said smiling
"Yep all good to go right Akutagawa?"
"Okay then let's go"

The four made their way down to the car via the elevator. "Uhm I need to ask Chuuya something you guys wait in the car" Atsushi said nervously. The other two nodded and got into the car. "So what is it" the ginger said a hint of anger lingering in his voice. "Does Akutagawa have a cat?"
"What that's so random and no he doesn't like pets why?"
"Oh no reason" Atsushi replied as he went and got in the car Chuuya following after him.

"He was lying to me then does that mean that there, what I think they are. I can't just ask again out of the blue he doenst trust me I have 2 weeks to help him though so..." Atsushi trailed off into thoughts as the brunette and the ginger were fighting again.

Soon they all arrived and got their table. After a long time of trying to figure out what to get and Dazai flirting with the waitress they finally ordered and food was on the way. "Im gonna get drinks who wants what" Akutagawa said "I'll come with you" Chuuya replied getting up from his table. "I don't drink alcohol so I'm good just get me a sprite" Atsushi smiled. "Dazai-San would you like anything" Akutagawa asked hoping for a reply but instead he got ignored as Dazai gave him a glare. "Chuuya get me my usual whiskey"
"K got it" Chuuya replied as he grabbed Akutagawa and they walked off to the bar. Akutagawa got himself a sprite as well as he wasn't in a drinking mood and got Atsushi his aswell. Chuuya got his and dazai's drinks as they made their way back to the table.

"I need to go to the bathroom" Akutagawa spoke after he placed his and Atsushi s drinks down. He went inside the stall which had floor length doors leaned up against one and just let his thoughts consume him. "Dazai hates me why do I even try I'm not good enough to even get him a drink why do I even try what's so good about Atsushi why can't I be better, why?" ⚠️⚠️⚠️ his hand slowly reached fro the blade in his pocket it was ever so shiny and brutally sharp, it was a new one so it looked more clean than his old ones. Akutagawa lifted up his sleeve and began to drag the black across his skin multiple times until his thoughts went away. He grabbed the toilet paper and began to clean up.

"I'm useless worthless why do I try" he said holding the toilet paper to his arm as blood from muiltple wounds seeped through. "I have first aid stuff back at the hotel I'll just put Band-Aid on the very bad ones for now" he said reaching for the extra Band-Aid's kept in his pocket. After treating his arm best he could he rolled his sleeve back down walked out washed his hands and made his way back to the table.⚠️⚠️⚠️

Word count: 1041

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