More lies

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"Your finally back jeez that took a while"  Chuuya said as Akutagawa sat back down. "Yeah sorry"
"Don't worry foods here anyway" Atsushi ordered tea on rice, Akutagawa just decided to be simple and order pasta, and Dazai and Chuuya shared a giant pizza.

"That was really good" Atsushi said through hiccups as he'd already finished his bowl. It took another 20 minutes for everyone else to finish there food but after that Dazai went to pay so Chuuya Atsushi and Akutagawa were waiting outside.

"Why were you in the bathroom for so long" Atsushi asked. "Cause I was" Akutagawa scoffed back.
"Jeez I was just asking" Akutagawa decided to just ignore him for the time being.

Akutagawa went to fix up his hair but didn't realise his sleeve lifted up. "Why's Chuuya staring at me" he thought until he relised why and immediately put his arm down. "Fuck fuck fuck what if he saw no he'll think I'm weak or I'm doing it to be like Dazai I'm not please shit I hope he didn't see fuck fuck" his thoughts wouldn't stop swirling in his head and it was getting tiring. "I need to go to the bathroom again" he said you could hear the small stammer in his voice. "I'll go with you" Chuuya said suspiciously. "No it's fine I'm good I'll be 2 minutes" he said before darting off.

It was like a replay of earlier the thoughts that didn't stop, the urge to make it stop, all the same. "I'm not gonna cut again I just need to check" he lifted his sleeve up to were it would've been earlier to see if Chuuya saw exactly what he saw. Akutagawa made a sigh of relief realising you could only see half a Band-Aid and the top of a cut. "That's barely anything so I don't have to worry" he calmed down stood up and opened the cubicle door only to see Chuuya outside. "Thank god I didn't say anything aloud" he thought to himself.

"I thought I said I could go alone" he said to Chuuya as he went to wash his hands. "Guess my sleeves are getting wet cause I can't roll them up while he's here" Akutagawa thought. Getting the soap on his hands he realised the small speck of blood on his finger probably from a minute ago. "Oh well I'll just wash it off now" he thought.

"Your sleeves are gonna get wet if you don't lift them up" Chuuya said blankly.
"Too late already turned the water on and I don't really care." Akutagawa replied back as he went to the hand dryer.

"Let's go back now I don't want to keep the others waiting" Akutagawa said walking past the other.
"Wait" Chuuya said grabbing Akutagawa's arm.
Akutagawa tried not to make any emotion of pain since he did grab right were the worst cut was.

"Lift up your sleeve" Chuuya said looking at him directly in the eye. "What why, sorry but no" Akutagawa scowled before being free of Chuuya grip and walking out the bathroom. "I don't care if he's my mentor I'll get a beating if it means not having him know" he thought as he made his way back to the other two before Chuuya could grab him again.

"You took 3 minutes" Atsushi said in an annoyed tone. "Let's get back to the hotel" Chuuya replied appearing behind Akutagawa. "Chu-chu there you are" Dazai grinned.
"If those two are arguing Chuuya won't corner me again" Akutagawa thought to himself.

After many arguments later they all finally made it back to the hotel. "Wanna get drunk" Dazai said while they were in the elevator. "I'm down I love hotel bars" Chuuya replied "what about you two"
"I'm down I just wanna change out a suit first" Akutagawa said. "I don't really drink so-"
"Cmon Atsushi is will be fun pleaseeee" Dazai pleaded
"Ok then" Atsushi replied still unsure.
"Get changed into something more causal we'll go into your room when we're ready"

The four went into their separate rooms as Akutagawa chose a black hoodie and jeans. "I'm gonna get changed in the bathroom don't walk in this time" Akutagawa said grabbing the small bag which was his first aid kit and heading to the bathroom. "Ok"

A sense of relief and freedom over came Akutagawa the moment he shut the door it was like, everything was okay. He felt less alone despite being all by himself no one was there to judge him or hurt him. After about 7 minutes of bandaging himself up properly and treating his wounds correctly, he quickly got dressed and stepped out only to see Atsushi half naked with his jeans on but no shirt.

"S-sorry I'll go" the older one said through stammers
"It's fine I couldn't care less I'm about to put my shirt on anyway." Atsushi replied unbothered reaching for his t shirt. "He's actually really cute" Akutagawa thought to himself as he stood there awkwardly.

"We're ready~" Dazai said barging into the room. Everyone was dressed the same basic jeans and a shirt or hoodie, except Dazai. "Dazai why are you wearing a Hawaiian shirt" Atsushi said.
"I tried to tell him he looked stupid but he didn't listen"
"Your so mean even after I gave you he-"
"Wait did you like ya know" Atsushi said with a terrified look on his face. "He meant help" Chuuya said slapping his head. "Chuuya doesn't like letting others know he needs help" Dazai said playing along after all its the least he could. "Let's just go" Akutagawa finally chimed in. "You guys go ahead I need to talk to Akutagawa for minute." Chuuya said. Though he may not have looked it Akutagawa was absolutely terrified.

After the others left the room Chuuya told Akutagawa to sit down so they could talk. His eyes are normally emotionless but you could see the fear in them knowing that someone could potentially find out "what will he say, would he tell other people, what if he tells Dazai, he's gonna think I'm weak." Akutagawa's thoughts weren't stopping and he was so scared he was gonna start shaking.

"Akutagawa I-"

Word count: 1051

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