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"Dazai-San were ready" Atsushi said until he actually saw Dazai. He was pinning Chuuya against the wall and Chuuya was looking up at him not angrily but sweetly he was pretty sure they'd just been kissing. Chuuya's attitude quickly changed when he saw Atsushi and Akutagawa standing there. "GET OFF ME JACKASS ALL THIS CAUSE I TOOK THE LAST CROISSANT REALLY!" Dazai of course played along. "YOU KNOW I LOVE CROISSANTS"
"Guys uh we have to go"
"Oh yeah true" the two quickly got out of their awkward position and made their way out of the hotel into the car.

"Today we're just gathering information from witnesses until we can figure out where the person is or who they are, me and Atsushi are gonna go together and Akutagawa and Chuuya are going to go together." The 3 nodded while Atsushi began reading out the facts they already gathered. "Okay so all we know so far is that they haven't killed anyone outside of Tokyo, the murders tend to be very clean or very messy as in, one murder was a stabbing with half there organs ripped out and another was a stab through the neck. There 178cm tall, dark brown hair with a black hoodie and blue jeans. They blend in easily which is why it's so hard to catch them and the only weapon they used so far is a knife, and finally the killings happen at least once every week or two and the main targets are port mafia sources"

"Sounds like we're dealing with someone who kills because of a grudge and their style depends on emotions, I don't think we're dealing with an ability user either wouldn't you agree" Dazai asked
"Does sound like a reasonable explanation, Dazai drop me and Akutagawa off at the crime scene and you and Atsushi ask witnesses" Chuuya said as Dazai drove to the crime scene. "Meet back up in 2 and a half hours at the bakery got it" Dazai said as Chuuya and Akutagawa left the car. "Yep later jackass"

Chuuya and Akutagawa had a 3 minute walk to the actual crime scene since they couldn't pull up right next to it. It was silent for the first minute until Chuuya finally spoke "so you and Atsushi huh"
Akutagawa's face turned red "n-no it's not like that at all he was just drunk and fell asleep on top of me we must've moved to that position, and even though we kissed does not mean we like each other" Chuuya's jaw dropped.

"You kissed-" he asked shocked.
"Well he kissed me on the forehead and cheek a few times and we only kissed once on the lips and it was just a peck and he was drunk so it doesn't count, I don't have any feelings for him"
"Your so in denial"
"What's that supposed to mean?"

The twos argument was interrupted when they arrived at the scene. They entered the house and even though they were port mafia what they saw still shocked them. Blood was splattered on almost every wall and there was glass of broken windows everywhere. "You must be the people coming to help us with the case?" One of the detectives there asked. "Yep that's us so what happened."

"The victim was Mia Williams, 22 female was enrolled in college. The killer entered through a window tied her to a chair and brutally stabbed her then ripped out some of her organs and spread them over the floor." After he was done explaining he showed the two the windows and Akutagawa and Chuuya began to get to work.

Atsushi and Dazai's POV

"Why couldn't we get Ranpo to do this?" Atsushi asked as Dazai and him drove to go meet a witness. "He said he didn't want to go to Tokyo" Dazai replied. "Also why are the port mafia involved?"
"Because their targets are port mafia sources and if all of them get killed they get no intel"
"Oh yeah that makes sense"

The two began to sit in silence till Dazai spoke again. "So are you and Akutagawa like together or-"
"NO it's uh not like that we were drunk it was an accident but Dazai if I tell you something can you not tell anyone or make fun of me?"
"Sure shoot"
"I have a crush on Akutagawa"
Dazai nearly drove off the road. Although he had called it he didn't think Atsushi would know this soon.

"That's fine honestly Atsushi but really him" Dazai said with a slight annoyance in his tone. "Well yeah I don't know why I can't control my feelings I wish I could make it go away." Atsushi said covering his face with his hands in embarrassment. "You can't get rid of feelings Atsushi plus for all you know he could feel the same, and I would give you more free therapy but we're at the place were we chose to meet the witness" Dazai said stopping the car in front of the flower shop. "A flower shop?" Atsushi asked confused. "Yes I believe they work there"

The two made their way inside and were greeted by a friendly girl with brown hair and a pink dress. "Hello nice to meet you come with me to the back room so we can talk" she said while smiling. Dazai and Atsushi did as told and sat down on two of the chairs there. "So you were the neighbour right?" Dazai asked getting out his notebook. "Yes that's correct. I was home one night when I heard glass breaking, I didn't think much of it till I heard screaming it wouldn't stop so I called the cops, but when the screaming finally stopped I saw a tall figure carrying a knife run out the house before the cops could get there."

Dazai looked at Atsushi who was writing everything down. "What direction was he headed" Atsushi asked. "North towards to lake but the police searched there and found no one" she replied. Dazai and Atsushi had asked her a few more questions until they were done. "Thank you for your time we'll get going" they said as they went to the car.
"This seems like quite a tricky case" Dazai said as he started the car. "Yeah but hopefully we can solve it"
Dazai nodded as they drove off the the cafe they'd all say they would meet at.

"So about you and Akutagawa~" Dazai asked almost mockingly. "What about it" Atsushi responded.
"I have an idea that might let you know how he feels about you"
"What is it"
"I'll buy some alcohol later today when we go snack shopping get both of you tipsy enough so that your mind is clear your almost sober but you have a little bit of alcohol in you, then start saying your feelings kiss him see what he does and if it doesn't go well blame it on the alcohol"
"You sure that will work"
"Only one way to find out"

Akutagawa's and Chuuya's POV

The pair had just finished investigating and were walking to the cafe. "Hey Uhm Akutagawa" Chuuya started. "Yes" Akutagawa replied.
"I believe I never apologised to you about the whole arm thing so I wanted to say sorry" Akutagawa started to panic that he brought it up again he just needed everyone to forget otherwise they would pry deeper. "It's fine" he said trying to hide the concern and worry in his voice. The two made it to the cafe only to see Atsushi and Dazai already inside sipping away on tea and sweets.

"Ahh your here Chuuya I missed you~" Dazai said "fuck off jackass" Chuuya replied as he and Akutagawa sat down. Chuuya and Akutagawa ordered some food and drinks themselves. The group Started to exchange information. After all the work talk was done they just started spouting random shit for the past hour. "Dazai I thought you said we were gonna go snack shopping" Atsushi said "oh yeah, Chuuya pay the bill we'll wait in the car" Dazai said before running off to avoid paying as Atsushi and Akutagawa followed him. "That asshole" Chuuya muttered.

For some reason Akutagawa started getting urges and his arms wouldn't stop tingling, his mind was going crazy. This is what happens whenever he hasn't cut in a day or so. "I hate when this happens it makes me feel like I am doing it for attention, I have no reason to do it but why do I wanna do it so bad" he was again consumed by his thoughts until he couldn't fight them. "I have to go to the bathroom" he said before getting out the car and walking towards the cafe bathroom.

⚠️It was the same cycle reappearing go in stall lock it sit down and grab the blade then, "wait where the fuck is my blade" he said emptying all his pockets his face filling up with panic. "No no no no no I can't have lost it what if someone saw me drop it what if they find out why dammit how am I supposed to fix the urges now shit" he sat there panicking until his brain started to actually function. "Wait I have an idea we're going shopping I'll buy some sharpeners after all I've run out of blades now anyways" he quickly calmed down got up washed his hands and headed back to the car. ⚠️

"That's probably the shortest bathroom break you've had this whole time" Chuuya teased as Akutagawa sat back down. "Mhm yeah let's just go" he said back as the four drove to the store.

Word count: 1614

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