Chapter 5

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He's here!' Pam squeaked, jumping to her feet. Locke followed suit, he was nervous as well. Next to them, seated on top of a table, Keeye chuckles.

For the next few days, they were going to be shooting scenes with Mr. Barn, a renowned name in the entertainment industry. A man with a well established acting career that started way before Locke was even born, with lead roles in famous movies during his prime years. Locke grew up watching many of his old movies, his mom being a huge fan of Mr. Barn.

He was on the set today as he would be playing the role of Dawn's father. The schedule was a light dinner scene with Dawn and Pam's families during their spring break. And during this would be an intense argument and drama when Dawn's father discovers his relationship with Hunter and confronts him. This scene would probably be in an episode close to the ending of Falling for Dawn, with a mix of emotions running all over.

The director and Mr. Barn were engaged in a light hearted conversation. From the looks of it, he seemed like a very down-to-earth person and of course, the professional aura emanating from him that Locke often felt around veteran actors.

'I certainly wouldn't mind getting slapped by someone famous like him,' Locke commented, trying to calm his own nerves with humor.

Keeye laughed. At the same time, Mr. Barn looked over in their direction.

'Ah, Keeye my boy! It's so good to see you again!' he called out, waving his hand.

'Likewise!' Keeye greeted back, jumping down and walking over to the seasoned actor who pulled him into a bear hug, patting him on the shoulder.

Keeye and Mr. Barn exchanged a few words and Keeye quickly introduced Locke and Pam to Mr. Barn. He then excused himself and left the set to attend a meeting. He didn't have any more scenes to shoot today and had only lingered around on the sets for so long as to introduce Locke and Pam to Mr. Barn.

The first two episodes of 'Falling for Dawn' went on-air last week. The entire crew, including the director were skeptical as to how it would be perceived by the audience as it was a sensitive genre but surprisingly their ratings picked up by the end of episode 2's airing. And with that, Keeye's popularity soared and offers and promotions poured in from all over. His agency requested him to be spared for other activities whenever he was not required on the set.

This had put everyone on the set in a happy mood. Of course, there were a few negative comments and hate due to the stigma but nonetheless Locke was elated. He of course had a long way to go but this was definitely a good start for him.

There had been a few hiccups along the way with them having to compromise with airing slots and being short on staff due to a crew member taking an unexpected leave of absence. But they got through it all, making sure to work even harder to meet deadlines.


Locke frantically rubbed his palms together and blew air into them hoping for some warmth. He shifted from one foot to another while he waited for the crew to set up the equipment. The evening air in the university campus was chilly and humid. The library entrance they were at looked gloomy with the heavy storm clouds looming above.

30 minutes max. That's all they needed to shoot the next scene. But Ms. August stressed that even though the scene was short, it was one of the most important scenes in the series. Hence they were all gathered here, waiting for the rain that the weather forecast had predicted yesterday.

'Any minute now!' Locke heard someone announce from the back. He had been on standby for an hour now and the fact that he got cold pretty easily wasn't helping either. He was considering requesting another jacket from the crew when the sky poured down on them with a huge rumble echoing through the grounds.

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