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This cold doesn't want to go away. And I just had a fight with my dad. Yay. So I'm gonna write some cute romance shit to make me feel less miserable lol

Update: he bought me a book so now we Good again 👍🏻

Maria's POV:

"No, you put your finger here." Hades said for what feels like the thousandth time. I just can't learn this guitar bullshit and it's pissing me the fuck off.

"Ugh, you know what? Forget it. I don't want to do this anymore." I said raising my hands.

"So you're saying you're giving up?" Well when you phrase it that way...

"No. I'm saying that I'm choosing my mental stability which I don't have much of by the way, over these weird guitar chords." That's a very better way to phrase that.

"But you wanted to learn it."

"I didn't know it was gonna be this hard."

"Did you expect yourself to just..perfect and master the guitar from the first try?"

"Yes? I- um mean yes of course. Why wouldn't I be able to do it? Are you underestimating my abilities to learn something?" How the tables have turned. Yeah bitch, I'm the one asking the questions here.

"No, I'm pretty sure you could, I admire your abilities but why don't you show me what you and those abilities you claim to have can do in a 3 months span." A challenge, I love that.

"Then we have a deal. If I do prove you wrong, you'll have to....kiss James. Consequently of course."

"And if you don't win?"

"Well, if I don't, which I will by the way...we'll move in together."

"Deal." He said shaking my hands. What the fuck is this? The show Suits?

Jokes on him it's a win win situation. 

"Jokes on you, it's a win win situation." He said almost immediately after I thought of it.

"What?" What did he just say?


"You know what? I'm gonna pretend to not have heard that." I said closing the door.

"Yeah." Were his words, well.. his last word. I closed the door behind me leaving.

Next stop, my favorite thing place.

"Hello, ladies." I made my not sure big entrance which grabbed the attention of about 4 people. Great.

"Athena! Long time no see. Welcome in." Roslyn said wiping her hands.

"I know right? Where's my lovely Lilian?" I asked looking around. Weird.

"She wasn't feeling her best today, so I made her go to the doctor. That woman is so stubborn it took me an hour to get her to do that." Wow I hope she's okay. "But other than that, what can I get you my love?"

"It's cold outside, so I'll get one of your famous hot cocoa, and because I'm feeling generous and because Sarah told me to spoil myself in order to feel better, I'll get 2 doughnuts. Both with chocolate and extra sprinkles. Thank you." I told her my order, she wrote it down and went back to the kitchen after attending some other customers.

I looked out the window next to me to see people. A lot of them. Some running, some walking their dogs, some on phone calls, some having the best day while others are having their worst. People are not so hard to read, you can see it on their faces. For example: you see that guy who looks in his thirties with the black suit on and his hair all gelled up? He's on the phone right now, not so happy, he looks nervous. I'm guessing he's about to go to what I'm also guessing isn't his first interview. He either was fired or hadn't been able to get a job and he's nervous for this one. He wants it so bad yet, deep down he knows he's not qualified. But he want to try, because trying is better than not doing anything, even if it was something he's certain he can't do, or in this situation get it pass.

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