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One of Peter's men got captured during their ordeal to kill Mrs. Mayor.

The cops put him into their custody and requested answers on why they captured dad.

I have been getting threat messages from the mafia group and that suspicious guy, Don, is in charge.

He is a dingbat


I joined the WPP; Witness Protection Program. Because my life is in danger.

I now have to change location just to be safe.


"Gabriella, quickly!" Lance yelled.
I immediately grabbed my bags and ran out of the house.

"I love you." I said with tears streaming down my face.

Peter the Fierce found out that I'm an informant, probably because Don told him.

I quickly climbed into the jet and flew along with the cops.

"Lance!!!" I yelled with a painful cry.

I watched as they beat him up and kicked his tummy.
I hope he'll be okay. They dragged him and was about to enter the vehicle but I pulled the trigger and it shot into Peter's hand.

He gave a loud groan.

I quickly told the cops to turn back. We helped peter up and walked back to the jet.

Peter the Fierce gave me a deadly glare as the jet was zooming off.

"I'll be back."


The end🙂.

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