Thirty: Persuade

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Thirty: Persuade

Warning: mm, not really non-consensual, Damon's very much into it, he just doesn't wanna be preggers, so there's a tiny bit of panic, plus Jun is in heat and not completely aware. Slut-shaming, in their usual fashion.


Other Damon knew what to do. Damon let go of the reigns willingly. The problem was that Damon had not calculated for how unwilling Jun was to listen to him while caught in the throes of heat.

"Jun," he called, a bit simperingly – Damon would have cringed, but it was Other Damon at the helm now – "you're hurting me." He tugged at where Jun was holding his wrists above his head for emphasis.

Jun's purring stopped abruptly and as Damon expected, his grip loosened, allowing Damon to situate himself a bit more comfortably. Jun didn't let go entirely of course, but now Damon could break free, if he took the opportunity when it came.

He could feel Jun's shallow breaths from the rise and fall of his chest against Damon's, could feel the fever temperature of his skin. Jun was great at restraining himself. But with Damon more than willing to help him out – why should he have to?

This is the logic Other Damon used to wrap Jun around his little finger. "Jun," he called again, "if you do me a favor, I'll let you fuck me as much as you want, okay?"

Jun tilted his head in the dark, but made no move to get off of Damon. In fact, he seemed rather impassive about the offer, which was only punctuated by the fact that he released one hand from around Damon's wrists to insistently claw at the waistband of Damon's sweatpants. Apparently, the fucking part was not something Other Damon could bargain with right now. It was non-negotiable.

Before Damon could continue to argue his case, Jun paused, abruptly. Then without warning, Jun gripped Damon and flipped him like a pancake. Damon suddenly had a mouthful of sheets, and before his head could stop spinning, he felt Jun's hands tightening around his hips and hoisting him up so his ass was conveniently in the air, his back forced into a sensuous arch.

Jun had learned his lesson after the debacle in the woods. Letting Damon be on his back gave him too much leeway to block Jun from entering him, so simply making sure Damon wasn't on his back would solve that little inconvenience. Jun's hips pressed insistently against Damon's ass even through two layers of sweatpants.

But Jun was quick to work on that little inconvenience too, and it was barely a few seconds later that Damon felt cool air as his pants were pulled down to his knees. Damon was, of course, already dripping wet. On a deep breath, he realized he'd been breathing in Jun's extra concentrated heat pheromones for who knows how long now. With that acknowledgement, Damon's head went a bit fuzzy, jaw going slack. The omega in him was working in tandem with Other Damon to achieve the goal of getting absolutely wrecked. Letting Other Damon run the show was a bad idea. He just wanted to be fucked, condoms or no condoms – what was Damon doing?

It was Damon's moment of dizziness and fuzz as his omega took over and demanded to be bred that allowed it to happen. One of Jun's hands slid to Damon's upper back, right between his shoulder blades, pressing him down firmly, inescapably. The other hand slid two fingers right inside Damon's entrance without warning.

"Ah!" Damon gasped involuntarily, tensing his spine. Jun hummed behind him to soothe him, carefully scissoring his fingers. Damon had to give Jun props for being aware enough to bother to stretch him.

The last time Damon had something in there, it was Jun's tongue. And before that, he would only rarely touch himself, and Jun wasn't being nearly as gentle as he had been before, so the burn took a little adjustment. But he couldn't lie. That omega part of him reveled in the stretch, in the way it promised something bigger soon.

Unfortunately, the rational Damon had to take back control. He had to keep trying to get Jun to take a breather so he could make an attempt at not getting pregnant. That would be a funny story to explain to everyone. Mark would kill him, if only because Damon hadn't listened to him. It wouldn't be that big a deal, Damon supposed, to be pregnant. He definitely didn't dislike Jun, and he had always dreamed of being a parent – he just didn't want it to happen right now. Not when he and Jun weren't quite on the same page relationship-wise, and not when he and Jun hadn't even discussed the possibility or what they would do in the case of an accident. Damon had been saving that conversation for when they went to sign the heat-partner agreement – when Jun was in his right mind. Even if Jun didn't actually want children, being in heat would make him think he did.

"Jun, listen to me, I'll do whatever you want – remember earlier? My mouth on you? Why don't we do that first?"

Jun finally paused – but even the allure of Damon's mouth wasn't enough to make him change his mind once he was set on something – and all he did was take the hand currently on Damon's back and stuff two fingers in his mouth to quiet him.

Then both of Damon's holes were occupied. And it did – something – to Damon's hindbrain. He went blank, automatically sucking and lathing over the fingers in his mouth with his tongue. It was almost distracting enough for him to not notice that Jun was removing the fingers in his ass and shifting around back there.

Almost. But Damon sure as hell took notice when something bulbous slid against Damon's slick entrance, catching on the rim of his hole. Oh.

Once heat-dazed Jun found the correct spot, there was no stopping him, he pushed forward, thankfully going mercifully slow. When Damon made a slightly strangled noise around Jun's fingers, he even came to a full stop, not wanting to hurt Damon even when he was so far gone.

Okay, new plan. Let Jun control the show and...figure out how to get him to pull out before he came?

Yeah. That was weak even to Damon. Jun was inside now. The chances of getting him to leave were slim to none.

But Damon couldn't be blamed entirely for the weakness of his plan. He'd had sex before, yes, but Malachi wasn't nearly as big as Jun, and if he admitted it to himself, Damon hadn't cared nearly as much about Malachi when they'd slept together as he did about Jun right now. Between the stretch of his overly slick hole around Jun's cock and the butterflies in his stomach, he couldn't concentrate on much more than breathing while still weakly suckling Jun's fingers.

It wasn't long before Jun was fully seated inside Damon, his hips flush against Damon's ass. Damon heard Jun let out a breath behind him – not strained, more like...relieved? But still, Jun didn't begin moving right away, as Damon would have expected an alpha in heat to do. Instead, he leaned over Damon's back, and the feeling of his dick shifting with him was maddening, but then Jun lightly kissed the top of Damon's spine while his free hand slid over the flesh of Damon's ass – at first only lightly stroking, and then pinching, squeezing – and most horrifyingly – slapping. The contrast between the gentleness above and the cruelty below was making Damon's head spin.

He whimpered around Jun's fingers on a particularly sharp slap, not out of pain or dislike – no. Out of pleasure. Every tap and squeeze caused a reflexive tightening of Damon's hole and Other Damon was practically purring at the rough treatment.

Damon only noticed that he really was purring, and unconsciously grinding his hips back against Jun, when Jun pressed his lips to Damon's ear and rumbled "Mn, good. Good whore."

It was said lightly, affectionately, but for some reason it also sounded as if Jun was really pleased that Damon was being so shameless and that sent Other Damon straight to the forefront. He pushed his hips up higher, presenting himself well like the good whore he was, trickles of more and more slick cascading down his thighs as his body heated.

Jun, feeling the extra deluge of slick, scooped up some off of Damon's thighs and brought his hand to Damon's dick, stroking lazily a few times. From somewhere in the very back of his mind, Damon's rationality was roasting how heat-crazed and desperate Jun had been only a few moments ago. What, now you have the presence of mind to be a thorough, sensitive lover? Only once I'm already caught on your cock and can't go anywhere?

The double stimulation at the front and back was nearly enough to make Damon come right then, but then Jun removed his hand and straightened so that he was no longer leaning against Damon's back.

...Damon had a feeling things were about to get not-so-gentle.

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