Day one

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The dark haired male strutted down the hall. His grey eyes focused straight ahead. A smirk on his thin lips. He could hear the twitters and remarks about his looks. His long hair was pulled up in a bun, his dark green jacket hung over a tight fitting blue tee shirt. He wore black skinny jeans and ankle boots. He knew he looked good. More than one head turned to watch him strut confidently on his way.
"Wow, who is that?"
"Hot doesn't begin to describe him."
"Wonder what that shirt is hiding." He chuckled to himself. Not all the voices were female either. A fact that didn't bother him in the least. It would, however bother the person he was in a hurry to reach.
Turning down another corridor he heard more whispers. "Is that the new guy?"
"I heard there were two, if he's this hot..."
He snickered. One more turn. Someone stepped out in front of him. "HI, I'm..." She began. He artfully dodged around her. The person he was here for looked up at him.
Red eyes shimmered with repressed glee. The boy's thin shoulders shook. The girl reached over to take the dark teens arm.
"That was rude." She tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder. "As I was..." He pulled the white haired boy to him, effectively pushing the girl further away. He ducked his head. Finding the soft lips waiting for his. He sighed into them. Long thin fingers curled on his shoulder.
"OH MY GOD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" the girl cried.
"Hard day?" The white haired male asked. The dark one tsked. "The first bell hasn't even rung!" The pale face laughed.
"Stop ignoring me!" the girl punched his arm. "Get away from that freak!" she cried. There was another laugh further down the hall.
"Touch me again and I will shove you into that locker." The dark teen hissed. "Call my boyfriend a freak, and you will never become home coming queen." He warned. She gaped at him.
"People are ridicules." He muttered.
"Nezumi!" The pale teen with a scar that began just under his left eye. It wrapped around his neck, cried with a light giggle. Nezumi traced his thumb over the scar. He wrapped his arm around the thin waist.
"What's first?" he demanded.
"Looks like..." the pale teen glanced at the paper in his hand. "We have Chemistry." He smirked. His boyfriend pulled him close kissing his temple.
"You bet this sweet ass we do." He pinched the boys thin bottom.
"Gross. You can't just grope someone in the hall!" the girl was still hanging around. Nezumi glared at her. He pulled his prize along.
They walked the halls. Nezumi's arm sat comfortable on the shorter male's waist.
"Holy hotness he's gay!" a guy called out.
"And taken!" The pale boy stated at Nezumi's side. The taller boy chuckled. They walked into class together. Nezumi only dropping his arm when the boy opened the classroom door.
"Good morning." The teacher stood. He was dressed in an odd colored suit with a beret on his head.
"Hello, I'm Nezumi and this is Shion." The dark teen introduced them.
"Uh, last names?" the teacher asked.
"Shion Flowers and Nezumi Rodin." He offered. The teacher stamped their pass and told them to find a seat. Nezumi led the way to the chairs. Several girls attempted to push their seat mate out. Each table had people sitting at it. A guy near the back picked up his books.
"Here, it's the safest." He called. He moved to the table beside them. Nezumi thanked them as he took the seat by the window. Shion perched on the edge of his chair. He organized his books and folded his hands waiting. Nezumi chuckled.
"You're such a nerd."
"Be nice or I won't share my notes." Shion teased. Nezumi played with his shirt.
"Oh, I can find ways to make you." He winked. Shion kicked him Nezumi laughed.
The class was called to order. Their day went on like this. Those around them soon discovered the pair tended to be in their own little world. At lunch time Nezumi walked in with his thumb tucked into Shion's belt loop. He glanced around. A table filled with giggling girls moved to make room for the handsome dark haired boy. Nezumi ched. He turned his back.
"Don't even think about it." A girl in dark makeup, a band tee shirt and ripped jeans stated glaring at them. She was alone at her table. Nezumi maneuvered his boyfriend to her.
"You're all alone." He stated taking a seat. Shion dropped beside him he quickly began separating the lunch on his tray.
"Because I like it this way." She muttered.
"Awe. A little rebel?" Nezumi tilted his head. The look on his face changed. Shion watched him. A small smile spread over the handsome face. Shion leaned on his fist to watch. He loved it when Nezumi was like this.
The kids at the table beside them were playing music quietly. Nezumi had caught the sound. When the vocals joined the music he began to sing. All heads in the area turned to look at him. He sang along with the punk rock band. The kids nearby encouraging him. When it was over the girl looked up at him.
"You're good. Ever been in a band?" she asked. Nezumi shrugged.
"I love to sing and be on stage, but no never in a band." He exclaimed. She tore a piece of paper from her notebook. Scribbling down an address and time she pushed it over to them. Nezumi pocketed it, he nodded.
"Do you need a bass player?" Nezumi asked.
"I uh, need everything but the drummer." She muttered.
"Got it. Names Nezumi." He held out his hand.
"Dogkeeper." She shook his hand. Nezumi said nothing about the odd name.
After lunch the couple didn't have any classes together. Shion was in a lot of advanced placement math and science courses. Chemistry had been the only one Nezumi was good enough at to get placed in AP. Nezumi kissed his boyfriend goodbye at their lockers. He headed out down another corridor for gym.
He was changing in the locker room when someone came up behind him. "Heard you were gay?" a deep voice stated.
"Oh my gawd don't tell my boyfriend." Nezumi said in his gayest voice. While Slapping the guy in the chest with his shirt sleeve he had half off. Nezumi stripped off the shirt.
"Stop it, that shit doesn't go down here!" the huge line backer like guy cried. Nezumi giggled.
"Come out of that stuffy ass closet my dude!" He snorted in his regular tone. "We have cookies..." He winked "... and twinks." He added.
"Stop flirting with me!" the guy yelled.
"Darling that ain't flirting. Besides why would I flirt with a muscle bound moron like you. I have the best guy in the world."
Nezumi turned his back to the guy as he reached to undo his pants. The guy kicked him. Nezumi caught himself from hitting the locker. He peeked over his shoulder before kicking out like a horse. His still boot clad foot landed in the guys crotch. He howled in pain. Holding himself he dropped to the ground.
The teacher came over as Nezumi continued to change. "What happened here?" the man demanded.
"You're closeted gay line backer didn't like the word no." Nezumi stated. He winked at the guy getting up slowly.
"What did you do to him?" the teacher, and more than a few observers were trying not to laugh.
"Mule kicked him." Nezumi shrugged. He tied the string around his waist to tighten his sweatpants. He then shock out his long dark hair. More than one guy gaped at him. As if he had no clue what was going on, he brushed his hair out and put it back up.
"Get your asses out on the track." The coach hollered. "Run five miles before you come back in!" He ordered. The class went out to run. Many were watching the slim dark figure in their midst. Nezumi was on high alert. He didn't know if the guy would retaliate, or if he had back up.
Shion walked into his math class after sending Nezumi off to gym. He looked around seeing only one open seat. He moved towards it. "Can I sit here?" he asked the girl beside it. She snorted.
"No one else will." She commented while writing in a notebook. Shion sat down. "I'm Shion." He introduced himself She glanced at him.
"What's wrong with your face?" she demanded. Before he could answer another girl came over.
"Safu has no tact." The new girl commented. Shion laughed, his eyes squinting closed.
"I prefer the direct approach." He told the new girl. Turning to Safu he answered.
"I was in a car accident. Got tangled up in the seat but and burnt by the flames." He offered.
"Where you born with white hair?" she asked.
"No, the stress of the accident, depression from the scars, it added to a mental breakdown. My hair changed to white almost over night." He sat his books out. "Before you ask, my eyes have always been red." He grinned. "I like your sweater. It looks so comfy and warm." He added. She smiled at him.
"My grandmother knitted it for me. Thank you." The class was called to order. Safu looked over Shion's schedule when they were done with their assignment. She was in all of his AP classes.
"That doesn't surprise me. There aren't many in this school who can get into AP anything." She muttered.
Shion didn't see Nezumi for the rest of the day.

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