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It was Saturday morning. Nezumi had left Shion asleep in bed. He had noted there wasn't any more coffee the night before. He strolled down the street to the corner coffee shop. Usually they didn't have money to buy already made coffee, but Nezumi had been saving a little. Shion had been working hard all week. He felt the boy deserved a little something nice.
Going inside, Nezumi saw the girl behind the counter. He smirked at her. "Dogkeeper?" his grin grew mischievous. The girl blinked at him.
"What are you doing here?" she demanded. He laughed.
"I live just down the street." He pointed in the general direction of his apartment.
"Oh, fan fucking tastic!" the girl muttered. She finished wiping up a spill to come to the register. The place wasn't too busy right now.
"How can I help you?" She purred in a super sweet voice. Nezumi giggled, just as his phone dinged. Shion was up.
"2 large coffees. 1 black, 1 with two cream and 2 sugar." He stated slightly distracted as he told Shion he was running a quick errand and would be home soon. He instructed the boy to shower.
"Is that all?" Dogkeeper asked. Nezumi glanced up at the board. "How about four biscuit bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches and two Boston creams." He added. She gave him the total. He handed over the cash. Once she gave him the change and made the coffees they chatted as the cook got the rest of the order ready.
"We will see you tonight." Nezumi told her. She looked intrigued.
"The bass player, myself and a possible guitarist. Not sure how good they are since I never heard them play." He informed her. She set the bag with the donuts down beside the coffee.
"Alright. You bringing the boy toy with you?" she asked. Nezumi smirked.
"Yep." He stated. She rolled her eyes.
"Six sharp don't be late." She ordered holding out the bag with the sandwiches. Nezumi gathered it all up. He walked the half a block back to their apartment building. Luckily one of the college kids were just leaving. They paused to hold the door for the teen. He called out a Thank you.
Making his way up the three flights of stairs, down the slightly dim hallway as two lights had given up their will to go on, and no one has replaced them yet, he paused in front of the door. Shion was in the shower. He hadn't thought this through.
"Need a hand?" someone asked. Nezumi turned he saw a good looking curvy brunette wearing only a crop top and boxers. Her hair hung past her ass.
"Uh, yeah my keys are in my right pocket..." He explained. The girl giggled.
"Alright, not being fresh here..." She went around him and dug out the keys. "Been there myself a few times." She added as she unlocked the door pushing it open. She hooked the keyring to Nezumi's finger. She waved her fingers. Nezumi kicked the door closed.
"Is that you?" a voice called as steam poured out of the opening bathroom door.
"Yeah!" Nezumi answered. Shion came out dressed in one of Nezumi's tee shirts. It looked like a dress on him. Even more so, since he only wore black biker shorts under it.
"Damn you look cute." Nezumi smirked. Shion eyed the bags.
"We didn't have the money for this..." He complained.
"I've been saving." Nezumi, hands now empty, went to kiss the pale teen.
"Ugh, cold!" Shion shivered.
"Yeah heard it was suppose to snow this week." Nezumi hung up his jacket. He pressed the cream and sugar cup into the others hand giving him another kiss on the cheek. Sitting down he separated the sandwiches and donuts. He pulled Shion down on his lap, cradling the boy against his chest.
"Don't forget we are going to audition for Dogkeeper's band tonight." Nezumi reminded him.
"Yeah I know. That's why I wanted you to finish up that assignment last night." Shion scolded.
"I only have two more pages. I'll finish it while you're at work." He told him. Shion worked at the restaurant down the street. He was the dishwasher, he worked every Saturday morning and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings. He made decent money for the time he was there.
Nezumi did several jobs. During the week he got up early to walk the dogs for three clients. Then after school three days a week and one weekend day, he worked as a stock boy in the grocery store around the corner from their house. Then there was his odd jobs where he did plays or sang at the openings of sports games or other events like that. These were fewer, but it's where he got the money for breakfast today.
They chatted about their plans for the day while they ate. Once done, Shion went to get ready for work. He came out in a black and white vertical striped shirt, black pants and sneakers, he carried the baseball cap he needed to wear in his hair. Nezumi sat him down, brushed his hair up in a pony tail and put the cap on him. He then held out Shion's coat. He snagged his own.
"Nezumi?" Shion quizzed Nezumi smiled.
"I can walk my boyfriend to work." He kissed his nose. "Besides you don't have gloves yet." Nezumi locked up the house, took Shion's hand and tucked it into his coat pocket. Shion put the other in his other pocket. They walked off like this.
Neither was talking much as they strolled along. Sometimes they just enjoyed being in each other's company even if they were lost in their own thoughts. At the back door to the restaurant, Nezumi kissed Shion good bye. He waited until he went inside. One of the waitresses saw him.
"Shion, you have the cutest boyfriend!" She told the teen.
"No, he doesn't, I do!" Nezumi called before turning to walk away.
There was one other thing Nezumi did for work. It was something he didn't let Shion know too much about because it would only worry the other boy. Nezumi walked to the spot where the street fights were to be held today. He needed to get Shion a warmer jacket and gloves. Maybe even a scarf. He didn't want the boy to be too cold this winter.
"Hey, Rat boy showed up!" Someone taunted him. Nezumi flipped them off. He went to the guy signing up fighters.
"Have something for me?" he asked looking down at the man scribbling in his notebook.
"Actually, yeah. Bowser and Brutus want to see you and McKlien go at it. They've been bugging me all morning if you were going to show up."
"What's the take?" Nezumi asked.
"Five large." The guy told him. Nezumi nodded. That would put them ahead for some time.
"Alright, go warm up." He did some stretches, taking his jacket and shirt of he hung it up on a peg. McKlien was big. Probably three hundred pounds, easily six four or better. His hands were the size of Nezumi's face. But the guy was dumb, he swung his big meaty hands around wildly. He had no skill for this.
Nezumi entered the circle. He would need to win fast. He knew. McKlien came at him swinging his meat clubs. Nezumi dived under them, punching him in the dick as he slid by. All was legal in street fighting. Everything but weapons.
For ten minutes Nezumi put on a show of dodging the brute. He took one hit to the back, that hurt like hell. Deciding it wasn't a good idea to take anymore he wanted to finish the fight.
Jumping up, he wrapped his legs around the guys face and hammered on him. McKlien fumbled around under him. Before jumping off, Nezumi gave one last shot to the guys temple. As Nezumi hit the ground he heard a thud behind him. He turned to see the big man down.
The ring announcer came out to count the knock out. The guy didn't get back up. Nezumi frowned. He hadn't meant to knock him out. They announced him the winner while the stand by medical students rushed to check on the guy. He was awakened with some smelling salts. A little disorientation but fine. He was pissed when they told him Nezumi won by knock out.
Winning by knockout gave a little more payout. Nezumi walked away with just over five thousand dollars. His first stop was to get Shion warmer clothes. He then paid the rent on the apartment for the next three months. He had a little left over to treat Shion to dinner the next night when they both out of work.
Keeping his promise, he went home to finish his essay. It took him longer to do without the pale teen around to help. With his dyslexia, it made things like this harder for the boy. Shion would proof read the paper for him later. By the time he was done, it was time to go get Shion.
Nezumi walked to the alley behind the restaurant. He was a few minutes late. He could hear laughter and someone being bullied. He walked into the alley. What he saw had him fuming. Shion was lying on bags of garbage. Two huge teens standing over him. His lip was bleeding.
Nezumi was in the fight before he even thought about it. He kicked the one guy in the side, breaking ribs, he saw him collapse holding that side. Spinning he punched the other in the face. The guys nose crunched under his fist.
This guy was used to having his nose broken. He came up swinging. Nezumi darted away. He kicked out. The guy punched the bottom of his shoe. At least one finger broke, Nezumi was sure it was a few more than that.
"What the fuck are you doing?" the man cried. "If you wanted a turn at the little freak all you had to do was ask!" He sounded like a whiney balloon loosing air.
"I don't like it when people hurt my boyfriend." Nezumi hissed. Just then the door to the restaurant opened. A huge guy with a large knife held in his fist came out.
"All of you better get out of here and leave Shion alone!" He bellowed. Shion sprang to his feet to get before Nezumi.
"Gary, he's my boyfriend!" Shion hollered.
"Then he can stay. But you two..." the man stopped at seeing the damage to the other two. Nezumi didn't have a scratch on him. The guy frowned.
"Who helped you?" he asked Shion.
"Nezumi." Shion beamed up at the dark handsome teen.
"That's some skill kid!" He said. "You good now, Shion. Dorothy told me you were being bullied." He added.
"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks." Shion waved to the large man. He took Nezumi's arm and they walked back home.
"You fought today." He accused the boy.
"To protect you." Nezumi showed him the paper he had written. Shion took his cracked and slightly bleeding hands.
"This wasn't all from that." He bent his head kissing each wound.
"You were so cold this morning. I just wanted to get you a few things..." Nezumi went and got the gifts.
"Thank you, but I can do with what I have. I don't like you getting hurt." Shion pouted.
"I didn't get hurt, just the hands."
"And the bruise to your back?" Shion glared.
"Just for show." Nezumi snuggled around the other as they sat on the couch. Shion proofed the story fixing the parts that needed it. They had dinner and got ready to go audition.

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