The Revengers

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They drove out. Yu had agreed to haul the trailer with all of the band equipment in it. Safu rode with him. As they came up to the place they were to play, Shion pressed his face to the window. He couldn't believe the long line that snaked around three sides of the building.

"Do you see this?" He cried to Nezumi. The dark haired teen maneuvered his car through the crowded streets. He growled for Shion to sit still.

"Someone's grouchy!" Dogkeeper snorted from the back. Shion chuckled.

"Nezumi doesn't like crowds, like this. Once inside he will be fine." Shion waved a hand at the other boy. They pulled into the back parking lot. Two large people had to move a barricade out of the way to allow them through the crowd.

"I think he was blind!" Shion hissed looking up at the man who resembled a moving mountain. Nezumi snorted. He parked the car as Yu backed the truck up to the door. Nezumi's door was practically ripped open.

A red-haired teen with an eye patch squealed with delight. "Oh my god! It's you. It's really you!" He crowed snatching ahold of Nezumi's arm. He dragged the teen out of the car.

"Who are...."

"Stupid rabbit let him go!" Yu bellowed.

"Awe, but Yu, it's Eve. Look at how cute he is!" The pirate teen went to pinch Nezumi's cheeks. Nezumi batted him away. He leaned into the others face. Another head was pressed in beside his.

"Leave him alone!" Yu shouted at the same time Nezumi screamed to be left alone.

"Ah, you're so cute!" The red-haired teen gushed.

"Lavi, please behave." A dark haired girl ordered.

"Sorry about our ferial child." A boy with white hair and scar on his face stated as he stepped up beside Yu. "He gets over dramatic sometimes." The violet eyes smiled fondly at the pirate.

"This is my Moyashi." Yu told Nezumi and Shion who stepped up beside his lover.

"The name is ALLEN!" The boy cried. Yu smirked.

"He likes to yell that, I don't get it." He winked at Nezumi as he turned to go help unload the trailer. The other assisted. It wasn't long before they were all set up.

The first set went by without any difficulties. The crowd appeared to really enjoy the music. They had a huge dance floor that was packed with bodies. As the lead singer, Nezumi even went out to dance with several groups.

In between sets, Nezumi transformed himself into Eve. Letting his natural long locks flow down over his shoulder, he allowed Shion to brush them into a shining mass. Nezumi did his own makeup as Lavi squealed behind him with every new addition he added on. The more he appeared to look like his ultra ego the more speechless his body guard was becoming.

"He's useless." Yu stated. "We can use him as bait if we have to." He rolled his eyes at the excited teen.

"Just because you have the personality of a wet mop, doesn't mean the rest of us can't enjoy the evening!" Lavi haughtily informed his friend. Yu only smirked at him.

If the first set was any indication of how into the band the crowd was, the second set sent the energy level through the roof. Eve took the stage. Her hauntingly beautiful voice floated out over the see of fans.

The crowd was silenced to hear her magical vocals. The band backed her up, but this was nothing to the total thrall the people were in. Eve's songs were always magic. They could soothe the wildest of crowd, calm the worried heart, or set ablaze a night of fun.

Nezumi used all of his tricks to spell bound the crowd. He captured them with his voice. Eve fed them their fill of her magic as she wove a spell throughout them. Eve had them dancing, crying, drinking as her set wore on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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