Another day

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"So, I uh... did something..." Dogkeeper stated when everyone showed up for practice. She wouldn't meet anyone's gaze and sort of hid from Nezumi.

"Something that will require me kicking your ass?" Nezumi asked. Dog keeper looked away. Shion glanced at Nezumi.

"Just tell us." He demanded of the girl.

"We have a gig." She stated.

"Alright, when?" Nezumi asked.

"Where?" Shion wanted to know.

"Like in front of people?" Safu looked shocked. They all turned to her.

"You didn't think we were just going to play in a garage, did you?" Nezumi asked.

"Well, uh...." Safu looked away.

Dogkeeper ignored her. She turned to the guys. "It's in the next town. See I had this friend from my past, he works as a bartender now. I sent him a recording of our practice..."

"You didn't..." Nezumi smirked, Shion's face paled.

"I don't know what he was talking about but he said something weird." Dogkeeper rushed on. "After finding out I was only asking for $400 for us to play a night, he laughed and said he would pay triple that to get Eve to preform." Dogkeeper looked around. "I tried telling him no one in the band was named Eve, but he said he recognized her no matter what and we are booked to play next Friday night." Dogkeeper explained.

"Would you do it?" Shion glanced at Nezumi. The boy blinked.

"How many body guards are you going to hire for me?" Nezumi rolled his eyes.

"Between you and I, I think your safe." A dark figure emerged from the shadows. Nezumi glanced up. Typically Safu rode with him and Shion, but tonight she said she had a ride. They had gotten there before her. Now Nezumi saw Yu walking into their shed.

"So, you're Eve as well?" He shook his head. "I have this friend who likes the theater, stupid rabbit made me go. It didn't help much when Moyashi wanted to go as well. We saw Eve preform. You're really talented." Yu went on.

"Any of those people good at crowd control?" Nezumi asked. "We used to live in that area. We left when a few people found out Eve wasn't a female." Nezumi explained.

"I'll get my friends, trust me no one will harm you." Yu smirked coldly.

"Call your friend back. Tell him we will play for the $400. But if he wants Eve to make an appearance we get half of the door take." Nezumi stated. They continued to practice that night. Yu and Nezumi exchanged phone numbers.

Sunday the dark haired fighter reached out to Nezumi saying his friends were all on board. They only wanted to meet Eve. "They don't care if you're a guy or if you're even in costume, they just want to meet you." Yu explained. Nezumi agreed.

Monday Dogkeeper met them at their locker saying her contact had agreed to the price. "He wanted to know if he could advertise Eve making a debut there." She asked.

"Well, that was the idea." Nezumi snorted. He kissed Shion as they separated for their different classes.

Shion was sitting in a study hall doodling when someone bumped his desk. Thinking it was an accident he didn't even lift his head up. Then someone stole the pencil from his hand.

"Hey!" He cried.

"It's about time you pay attention." Shion blinked up at the girl. He had seen her before. She was commercially pretty. Curled blond hair hung around a heart shaped face. Green eyes peered out at the world as she scrunched up her nose at everyone and everything she saw as beneath her. She wasn't very bright either. Shion knew she wasn't in any of his classes.

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