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**There is some offensive language in this chapter towards LGBTQ+ Community. Note this is only for the story and not my beliefs regarding people who make up this population. Please do not read if this offends you.**

"Why would they come after you like that?” Shion asked after the pair woke. He had grabbed food from the cafeteria. Nezumi was eating his hospital food.

“I’m not sure. I knew two of them. Not well but I saw them at work. The other three…” He shrugged. Shion explained the Eve angle the officer thought up.

“You know I’m more careful then that. I can sing in different ranges. If I sang at work, it would have been as myself.” He chided the boy.

“Could it be because of the fights?” Shion asked. Nezumi leaned back against the pillows.

“That’s more likely.” He whispered. His hand shot out to grasp Shion’s smaller one. “Shion, promise me you won’t go after them! I know how you get when you become upset with people doing shit to me!” the dark teen snarled. Shion flipped his hand over, linking their fingers. He scowled.

“I’m not suicidal.” He muttered. Nezumi flicked his forehead.

“You, don’t have to be. With that brain of yours I know you can think of ways to get back at them.” Nezumi glowered at the pale teen. Shion chuckled. He leaned over their legs to kiss his boyfriend.

“I promise, I won’t do anything stupid.” He smirked up at the boy.

“Why do I feel like I missed something?” Nezumi joked pulling the boy against his chest. He stroked the soft white hair. Kissing the top of his head he whispered. “I love you, Shion.” The pale teen held him tightly, until he fell asleep. Shion slipped out of his arms. He pulled the blankets up over the boy tucking him in, with a kiss to his forehead.

‘It’s set.’ The text read as Shion rode down in the elevator. Shion met Dogkeeper outside. They were driving Nezumi’s car. Since Shion didn’t know how to drive.

“Are you sure about this?” The girl behind the wheel asked. She was a good driver, although if Nezumi knew she was driving his car, Shion would be punished, and not in the fun way. They boy’s face drew into a tight line.

“They hurt him.” He spat.

“Then let me get some friends.” She dialed a number at a stop sign. Shion listened to what had to be a coded message.

“One, six eight and uh let’s say ten.” The girls said. She listened for a little bit then gave the address they decided to meet up at. She hung up. The drive was uneventful. Shion climbed form the car. Two older teens held two boys by the arms. Their hands were tied behind their backs.

“One was still in the hospital, the other three had broken bones already, and faces that resembled hamburger.” The one boy laughed. There was a snarl from behind Shion.

Four dogs came out around the edge of the building they were beside. Dogkeeper said something to them and they instantly lined up on either side of her.

“We will be your backup.” She told her friend. Shion nodded. He went to the older teens, paying them the money he promised them for getting these boys here. They left with a laugh at the two thugs.

“Why did you attack Nezumi?” Shion hissed.

“What does it matter to you?” one boy sneered.

“Yeah. You the fags boyfriend?” the other snarled.

“As a matter of fact I am.” Shion stated in a voice too calm for the situation. One of the dogs whined. Dogkeeper itched to pull the pale teen back.

Nezushi in bloomWhere stories live. Discover now