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** smutt warning**

It took Nezumi a month or so to heal. During this time they practiced songs with the band. Nezumi was only allowed to sing a few each night. He was out of work for now but with what Shion made they were able to pay bills and get food. Nezumi already planned to make up the money with another fight as soon as he could.

This ended up being the day after he last doctors appointment where he was given the all clear. It was winter now. The snow crunched under his feet. He told Shion he had to work tonight, that he was picking up an extra shift. Shion was the smartest kid in school for a reason. He had pressed his small body up to him, kissed him and told him what a bad lair he was.

"Just don't end up in the hospital tonight." The pale teen warned. Nezumi wrapped him up in his arms.

"I won't. Don't let Safu make you do all the work." He chided the other. Shion was doing some advanced placement project for one of their classes with the strange girl. Nezumi didn't hate her, he just didn't understand her.

The dark haired teen walked up to a door. He knocked three times waited five seconds and knocked three more times. The door opened. "Dust bunnies." Nezumi rolled his eyes at the stupid password. The door opened further. He stepped inside.

"Glad you could make it, we have a ringer from out of town. He's been wading through all our regulars. You will get a good take if you get him out of here." The bouncer told him. Nezumi smirked.

"Deal." He fist bumped the guy and walked down the stairs. They were in an underground parking garage. Cars made a circle for the fighters. Cheers rang out when those closest to the door saw Rat walk in. He kept his hands tucked into his jacket pocket.

"Rat, it's Rat!"

"Oh, damn this shit is getting good!"

"I have $50 on Rat beating this guys ass in!" Money appeared. The bookies were rushing around to accept it all. Rat smirked. His thin lips curved up only at the corners. He loved it when they all banded together over a dick fighter.

He pushed through the crowd. Standing on the front line he saw the guy before him. He was tall, long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. Cold blue eyes flashed out at the crowd. 'oh shit' Rat thought. This wasn't some muscle bound meat head. Those Rat could take out easily. This guy looked like he knew what he was doing.

Rat unzipped his jacket. He held it out to one of the show girls. These were women who worked for the guy who put on the show. They helped the fighter with muscle massages, got drinks for the crowd, or held stuff for the fighters.

"Be careful." This girl knew Nezumi. "I don't want to see what he would do to that albino boyfriend of yours." She truly looked worried. Rat glared.

"Thanks for giving me something to fight for." He muttered. He stepped from the crowd. Those blue eyes flashed to him. The guy snorted.

"What can a little stick like you do?" he asked in a voice too deep for his youthful appearance.

"Names Rat." Nezumi said. This seemed to get the guys attention. He turned to fully face the other.

"Ah, yeah, these guys were calling for you. Some unbeaten legend. That ends tonight." On the last word the guy rushed him. Rat stepped sideways at the last minute. He kneed the guy in the gut.

"Hey, we were talking here!" Rat snarled. "It's not polite to not tell me your name!" Rat scolded.

"Yu." The man snarled.

"Well see there that was mighty civil of you." Rat grinned. It was a dark and evil look. Before he met Shion he was like this guy, solely focused on the fight. He never talked to his opponent, never riled them up. He would come, get the job done, get paid and be on his way.

Nezushi in bloomWhere stories live. Discover now