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T.W.: panic attack

"Hey Tommy," Tubbo walked into the cabin, "Can I ask you for a favor?"

Tommy looked up from where he was leaning on Henry, "of course Tubbo! What is it?"

Tubbo let out a sigh of relief, "thank you! Techno's out and we need someone to babysit Michael."

"Wait what?" Tommy quickly stood.

Tubbo reached behind him, bringing out the child, "So Ranboo and I will be back pretty late, his bedtime is at sunset and if he's being picky just wait him out."

Tommy looked down at the child, "um-"

"Again, thanks so much! You're the best!" Tubbo smiled before closing the door.

Tommy and Michael stood silently for a moment. The blonde knelt down to the child.

"So, uh, what do you want to do?" Tommy asked.

Michael looked around the cabin, spotting Henry, "Cow!"

"Cow-?" Tommy turned as Michael ran up to Henry, "oh, that's Henry. He's the best cow."

Michael smiled, "Cow!"

Tommy smiled lightly, "so what's your favorite game?"

Michael thought for a moment, "Hide-seek!"

"Hide-and-seek?" Tommy hummed, "okay! Do you wanna hide first?"

Michael nodded excitedly, starting to run off. Tommy caught him.

"Hold on," Tommy told him, lifting him on his hip, "the rules are that you're not allowed to leave the house, okay? There's too many places to hide outside and I'd never find you! And then Tubbo would kill me... Okay?"

Michael nodded as Tommy set him down again. Tommy closed his eyes, counting to ten. He heard shuffling around him as the child searched for a hiding spot. When he opened his eyes, Michael was hidden.

Tommy smiled softly, walking over to the nearest barrel, "is he in here?"

Nope, empty. Tommy looked around. He didn't think there were that many places to hide in his house. He heard a giggle from under his bed.

Tommy smiled and hummed, "well I don't know where Michael could be!"

Tommy sat down on the bed, "it's a complete mystery. He's disappeared!"

There were more giggles from under the bed. Tommy swung his legs up, laying on his stomach as he leaned over.

"Is he... Here!" Tommy hung upsidedown.

Michael squealed in laughter as he watched, "Found me!"

"Yep!" Tommy laughed, almost falling, "now come on out, it's your turn to count."

Tommy sat up as Michael crawled out. The little piglin climbed up on the bed. He lightly pushed Tommy.

"Hide!" Michael told him.

Tommy laughed, "okay okay! Count to ten."

Michael nodded, closing his eyes tight, "one! Two! Three!"

Tommy looked around. There was a box he could probably fit in. Tommy lifted the lid, slipping inside and closing it again.

"Ten!" Much squealed.

Tommy listened as Michael ran around the house. But he couldn't shake this feeling that something was wrong. Panic bubbled in his chest. Something was wrong. Someone was here. He was going to find him! He was-!

"Found you!" Michael gasped as he opened the box.

Tommy flinched back, breathing heavily. It was happening again. He was back. He was going to kill Tommy again.

Michael reached in, grabbing Tommy's hand, "it okay. It okay. No scare."

Tommy looked up. It was just Michael. The little piglin crawled into the box, snuggling up next to Tommy.

"No scare, it okay." Michael told him.

Tommy hugged the child, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"It okay." Michael hugged him back, "Tommy okay."

Tommy smiled softly, "you found me."

Michael nodded, smiling widely, "you turn!"

Tommy laughed, ruffling the child's hair, "okay, come on."

Tommy lifted the child out of the box before stepping out himself. He felt better out of the box. Tommy glared at it for a moment. He was crossing that off his hiding spot list.

"Count!" Michael begged, tugging Tommy's sleeve.

Tommy laughed lightly, "okay! Okay! One..."

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