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Art by the spectacularly amazing _sleepy.moth_ on Instagram! Featuring the undeniably best character of 'Artificial Willpower' Juice Pouch! Thank you for all the support so far!

It took Illinois a bit to get his guest to even try to sleep, but eventually Yancy lay down.

Illinois understood he was shaken. Not everyone enjoyed that rush of energy that came with new and dangerous situations.

He left the guest room, and headed into his own room. He opened a door to what was meant to be a closet, but instead, his three monitors, and other technical equipment sat about.

The security camera's view of the facility was shown, flicking between areas. Illinois sat down, and flicked through a few. He had no audio, but he didn't need it to know what was going on.

It was chaos. Doctors rushed to make sure nothing was stolen or tampered with. Guards stationed at damaged doors, and the window. Other unfortunate prisoners in a panic from the alarms and shouting. The young doctor carried out on a stretcher, covered in a blanket.

He shifted through, looking for anything alarming. He knew he should be sleeping. He hadn't slept in a bit, but in his defense, this whole adventure wasn't expected. Hoped for, but nothing else.

He found he couldn't even try to sleep these days. He'd been stuck in that cabin for way too long, and had grown restless. He had filled every moment with projects. Many didn't even matter. Reorganizing, hacking pointless things, building objects that would never get used.

All this time, he had been waiting. Waiting for someone, like Yancy, to finally have the sheer willpower to even try to run. Now that the waiting was over, he didn't have to try to convince himself he was being useful while hacking some company's program. Now he was actually useful. No more waiting. It didn't make sleep any easier.

Yancy was used to nightmares. More often than not, he dreamt about his parents. No matter how pleasant, or different these dreams started, they all ended the same.

Him standing in the middle of the living room, covered in blood. He never told people about it, back at the prison. He hadn't wanted them to think he was weak.

It wasn't all that bad, once he stopped hoping it would stop. He didn't wake up disappointed anymore. Just sad.

Tonight, his dream was back at the facility. As one does in dreams, he didn't question it.

He was back on that sorry excuse for a mattress, watching the door. He was waiting for something. For what, he couldn't remember. He felt like it had something to do with the heavy metal door.

He sat there, watching the door for what felt like hours. Until finally the door clicked, and opened.

There stood Benjamin, clipboard in hand, and his clean white lab coat. Yancy felt surprise upon seeing him. He couldn't remember why, but he felt like Benjamin standing there shouldn't be possible. Benjamin stepped in and the door closed behind him.

The young doctor tapped his pen on the clipboard in a small fidget. He smiled at him, before saying " I was just sent in to ask you some questions. Is that okay?"

"Ask away" Yancy said, trying to not show how shocked he was to see Benjamin there. Why was he so shocked anyways?

Benjamin looked at his clipboard, reading a note, most likely. " Are the pain levels consistent?"

Artificial Willpowerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें