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"We need to focus."

It had been about a month since Skyler joined Sunset Curve and things have been going great. They had a few nice gigs here and there. Well, all except the one where they played a book club.

They don't like to talk about that one.

But other than that, it was going well. New songs were made by Luke and Skyler, they were pretty well known around decent parts of LA, and they even played at the pier sometimes for tips.

Right now, they were kind of going through a dry spell in the gigs department and Skyler was trying to get them back on track. They were walking through downtown LA to try and have some fun, but all Skyler could think about was a way to get some gigs. She was more anxious than Alex.

And that's saying something. Alex is almost always anxious.

"Sky, you gotta relax," Bobby said, wrapping his arm around the girl as they walked. "We can worry about gigs later. Tonight is a chill night."

"Yeah, Skyler." Reggie agreed. "Let's enjoy this."

The girl sighed. "Alright. What should we do first."

"How about some street dogs?" Luke suggested. Alex, Reggie, and Bobby agreed but Skyler cringed.

"You guys go ahead." The boys looked at her. "I don't trust eating a hot dog that comes out of a guy's car trunk."

"Suit yourself, doll." Bobby shrugged as the boys ran over to the stand.

Skyler sat on the curb, waiting. She looked up at the night sky, admiring the stars. Her eyes drifted away from the stars as she watched a group of people walk into a building. She read the glowing sign above.

'The Orpheum?' She walked over to the building, walking inside. The inside was a nice causal waiting area. It was nice and all, but she wanted to get a look at the main room. She noticed some bouncers and snuck past them.

Once Skyler successfully got past, she went into the main room. Her eyes widened at the wonders around her. She stood looking towards a stage with a band she did not know performing in front of a roaring crowd.

Looking around the crowd, she noticed various men and women in what looked liked suits.

'Record producers' Skyler thought. Gears started turning in the girl's head till a light bulb went off.

'That's it!'

_ _ _ _

"Where could she have gone?!" Reggie asked, slightly freaking out.

Luke walked over to him and grabbed him by the shoulders. "Reg, calm down. I'm sure Skyler didn't go far."

"Guys! There she is!" Alex said, pointing to where Skyler was standing.

The 4 ran over to her, Reggie crushing her in a hug. "Don't ever do that again."

"Reggie, I'm fine. But I'd like to breathe." She squeaked.

He let go of her and gave a bashful smile. "Sorry. I was just worried. Where did you go?"

Skyler looked at the 4 and smiled. "The place that's going to change our lives forever."

_ _ _ _

"The Orpheum?"

"Yes, The Orpheum," Skyler said, her guitar around her. The 5 were now back at their studio. Skyler was telling them about The Orpheum. "You guys, I'm telling you, that is the place where all of our lives are gonna change forever."

"What's so great about it?" Luke asked.

"What's so great about it, Lucas, is that it's a place where amazing, small bands become well-known, famous stars!" She gushed.

Luke rolled his eyes. "I hate when you call me by my full name." He mumbled.

"Too bad." Skyler snickered. "Anyway, you guys, that place was packed. The crowds were loving that band and get this. It's like, almost everywhere I looked, I saw a record producer. Now imagine that as us."

Skyler jumped on the coffee table that was in front of the couch where the boys sat. "We're playing some awesome songs, the crowd is loving it." She plays a small riff on her unplugged guitar. "Then, after we get done playing an awesome show, a record producer knocks on our dressing room door. They love the show, say they wanna sign us, and we're living the dream!"

"You're really passionate about this, aren't you?" Alex asks.

"Hell yeah, I am." Skyler jumped down, putting her guitar away. "Guys, this is the chance of a lifetime. If we try hard enough, we can get a bigger following and work our way to The Orpheum."

That was one of the reasons that Luke loved about the girl. She was just as passionate about music as he was. She got that about him.

He stood up and held his pinky out for the girl. She looked at his pinky, then back at him. "Let's do it." He told her. "Well get to play at The Orpheum and become legends."

Alex, Reggie, and Bobby looked between the 2, definitely noticing the chemistry that was forming between them.

Skyler smirked at the boy, holding out her pinky. "Promise?"

Luke smirked. "Promise."

The two locked pinkies then pulled away, sealing the deal that would lead the band down one hell of a crazy path.

𝖯𝖱𝖮𝖬𝖨𝖲𝖤-𝙻𝚄𝙺𝙴 𝙿𝙰𝚃𝚃𝙾𝙽Where stories live. Discover now