Authors note

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Promise this is the only chapter that is full non story. 

But please read it. 

A few things:

1) if you are not reading on from Sang's reserve, this will make about as much sense as starting Harry potter with Order of the Phoenix (for people who don't know that's the 5th book in the series and extremely confusing if you haven't read the others)  

2) UPDATES ARE VERY RANDOM. Please remember this. 

3) I love comments!! Please comment loads!! Even if it's to correct me, on anything, it seriously helps! 

4) Their are some new characters (original, I know shocker) that appear in this story. tell me what you think about them. On this note the first chapter may or may not be extremely confusing, I promise it gets easier to understand!

5) Thank you for giving my book a chance, if you read this, I'm guessing you read Sang's reserve all the way through. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

6) Enjoy this book 

Please comment!!!!!

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