I don't right?

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Hi guys! I'm so so sorry, I had writer's block for a but then started my university placement and oh my god that's hard work. Also a little unsure on the ending but let me know please! 

Comment- ohh I was also diagnosed with dyslexia (why the hell is that word so hard to spell??)  so apologises on the spelling but at least I have a reason now. 

Victor's POV:

She said yes.

Princess said yes!

I think I'm living on cloud nine right now.

Obviously, I'm not properly marrying her, though I would if I could, but I think Luke and North would kill me. Along with Gabe, Marc and Raven, plus Corey is going all big brother protection mode by the looks of it. Not to mention Erica, Ben and Phil, from what I can work out, are just as protective as Corey; they have become her family, all of them! Jess, I'm super on the fence about it, it's really strange there relationship is sisters but not. Somehow more?

So, while I am not properly marrying her, I am using her, sort of, with her full permission of course, hence why I needed to talk to her. Which was more to arrange a date to have a proper talk, though this may have been alluded to several times during the conversation. Princess, I think got what I was on about so... I hope this can work, maybe? So I guess she hasn't actually said yes fully yet... but it's Sang; what else will she say? I realise how that sounds the second I think it.

But it is the best way for me to get out of my parents once and for all. Yes, I'm 'free of them' as it were, thanks to Mr. B having a 'chat' with my dad, that and the fact that I am kind of too old for them to have any say any more. But they still have this over me, to claim my inheritance I have marry. With some very specific requirements. Plus, my parents have to approve her. Oh yes it has to be a lady as well. It's one of the many stipulations. This is why Sang is perfect, she can make everything look perfect, I've seen her hacking skills.

The only issue is that she might panic.

But I down know who else to ask. I need this. I need to be fully away from them. I don't even care that much about the inheritance money, but it relates to thousands of people's jobs their livelihoods. I can't, in good conscience, just let that go. I know my father is ruining their lives already I just want to try and do the right thing and get them back on track. To stop everything from collapsing before it's all gone. The estate is so huge, the number of things it controls is scary, and I've never even seen the full lists.

Hence why I need Sang; she has the same values as I am trying to have. I say trying because I don't think I've been an epitome of good values recently, whereas Sang...

Now I just need to get away without alerting everyone else to where I'm going.

Which is easier said than done. As I'm sure, the others discovered. When they 'broke out'.

What I wasn't expecting was a raven tapping on my window at two am, where I'm sitting writing. How they knew I was still awake, I don't know. But they sent the note:

Fire prince/Victor/Vic

Feed Yoda (the raven)! Most things will do. Any grain, bugs, berries.

I find the box of cereal that I keep in my room for emergencies, basically when Sean cooks, not that he has for ages. 'Yoda' eyes me critically, then pecks away at the flacks, not seeming too bothered.

Do you want to come to us? Permanently?

Just send an answer on the back of this note and Yoda will be back with instructions.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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