The Origin

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Brooklyn, New York
It was a dark, and rainy, night in this small Brooklyn neighborhood. Then, we go into a small town home, the home of the Parkers. In the house, there are pictures of Richard, Mary, and 6 year old Peter. Then, we go into a small bedroom, that had a race car bed, Star Wars action figures, and PlayStation 2 video games surrounding the room. We see 6 year old Peter playing Star Wars: Bounty Hunter on his PlayStation. Peter had the most fun when he was playing video games, watching movies, or when he was with his Uncle Ben, and Aunt May. Peter heard the door open, and knew his dad was home. "Richard? Is everything okay?" Mary asked Richard, as he entered, in a stressed manner. "We have no time, Mary. Pack all your things. We have to leave, Now." Richard told Mary. "Okay. But, why?" Mary was concerned. Then, Richard walked up to her, put his hand on her shoulders, and assured her, "I can't tell you now. But, I promise you, things will all make sense later. All you need to do is trust me." Richard assured Mary. "But, what about Peter?" Mary was scared. "For the time being, Ben and May will take care of him." Richard assured Mary, as he planted a kiss on her forehead. Richard walked up the stairs to get Peter. Peter would usually be excited to hear the news of living at Aunt May, and Uncle Ben's house. But, given how nervous his parents were, Peter was also very nervous. "Dad? What's happening?" Peter asked. "Pack all of your things. Your toys, books, video games, movies, everything you want. You're going to be staying at Uncle Ben and Aunt May's for the time being." Richard told Peter. "Now. There's no time." Richard ordered Peter. This was the biggest risk Richard had ever taken. But, he knew Peter was very smart for his age, and knew that he had great potential. He didn't want to jeopardize it on the biggest risk at Oscorp.
1 hour Later
Queens, New York
Richard, and Mary, enter of the best rated Neighborhoods in Queens. The residence of Ben and May. Richard, Mary, and Peter, all took in Peter's luggage. He packed his entire room with him. Richard then knocked on the door. "Richard?" Ben answered the door, in a confused manner. Ben and May always enjoyed Richard, Mary, and Peter's company. But, if they weren't informed of this in advance, they thought something had happened. May walked towards everyone to greet them. "Is your guest bedroom available?" Richard asked. "Of course." May answered. "Peter, put all of your luggage in your room." Richard ordered Peter. Peter brought all of his luggage to the guest bedroom, and arranged some of his bed decorations. Such as his stuffed animals, and blankets. All of a sudden, he overheard Richard and Ben talking. "So, why are you here?" Ben asked. "I've messed up on an Oscorp experiment. I was trying to use animal DNA as cures for diseases, like cancer, or missing limbs. But, I miscalculated, and created something monstrous. Half of the human test subjects died. The other half acted, wierd. Norman would really be unhappy. He's got guys searching for me. And, I can't risk that for Peter. So, me and Mary are fleeing the country, until Osborn gives up searching for us. Is it alright if Peter stays with you, for the time being?" Richard explained. "Of course. We've always been wanting to see more of Peter. Me and May love Peter so much." Ben assured Richard. "I can't thank you enough." Richard leaned in and hugged Ben. Richard had a feeling that this would be the last time he would see Peter, Ben, and May. Him and Mary didn't hesitate to give goodbye hugs to Ben and May. "Dad? Mom?" Peter walked in. "Peter, your dad made a mistake, and has to go fix it. It'll be okay." Richard assured Peter, and gave him a long, goodbye hug. "You are smart, and brave, Peter. And the world will be so lucky to have your gifts." Mary started crying, and gave Peter a long kiss on his forehead. "Mary. We must go." Richard and Mary left. "Dad?" Peter grabbed Richard's hand. "I love you, son." Richard walked out the door. Peter watched, as his parents walked out the door. May walked up right behind Peter, and put her hands on his shoulders. "It'll be okay, Peter. You needn't worry." May assured Peter.
1 week later
We see Peter, and Ben, watching the New York Rangers play on TV, while May was working on dinner. All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. Ben went to the door, and answered it. He saw two army men at the door, looking somber. "Is this the residence of Ben Parker?" One of the soldiers asked. "Yes. What happened?" Ben answered. "I'm so sorry. About 24 hours ago, it was discovered that Richard and Mary Parker were killed in a brutal plane crash." The General replied. May gasped in shock, and dropped her spoon. The General handed Ben an envelope of over $400,000. It was all the money Richard left for May, Ben, and Peter, in his will. "We will be holding a funeral this Sunday. We hope to see you there." The General shook hands with Ben, and left.

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