Parade hijacking

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It was the 86th Macy's Thanksgiving day Parade, and the streets of New York were flourishing with excitement, and holiday spirit. There was a giant Santa inflatable, a giant Snoopy inflatable, even a giant Grinch inflatable soaring in the sky. However, there was another thing flying in the sky, that wasn't a part of the parade. It was the Green Goblin. His laughter terrified millions of innocent New Yorkers, as they all ran to their apartments, in terror. However, there was a savior. Though unexpected, they were all saved by the Spider-Man. "I don't remember a giant Goblin being a part of this parade. Time to send it back!" Spider-Man warned the Goblin, as he attempted to disable his glider. "You insolent bug! I'll wipe your tiny brain on the pavement!" The Goblin shouted at Peter. However, Peter responded by the same old punching routine. Peter's fists were sore from all the punching, as the Goblin had almost impermeable skin. As Peter was resting on the nearest building, the Goblin scooped up a nearby civilian, and flew her away from the parade. However, Spider-Man was quick to answer her cries, as he swung over as fast as he could. "Drop her now!" Spider-Man ordered. "Bad call." The Goblin said, chillingly. He dropped the woman, and she screamed in terror. The Goblin had a big grin on his face, and heartlessly said, "Butterfingers." As the woman fell to her death. However, Peter used his web shooter to grab her, swoop her away from the ground, and bring her down safely. "You okay?" Peter asked. "Yeah. Thank you." The woman thanked Spider-Man. Spider-Man swung back up to stop the Goblin, but failed. The Goblin flew away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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